Episode 86 : Beginning Threat

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It is now the next day and at the Batumbakal Tribe, Lakas, Ulan, Lakam and Kidlat has finally returned and at the central area of the whole tribe, people are gathered there with concern.......

*Lakas, Ulan, Lakam and Kidlat approaches the center area of the Batumbakal Tribe*
Lakam: we are finally home.... (looks around and feels concerned at people gathered at an specific area) and people are kinda busy without a king or even anybody taking care of the tribe.....
Ulan: and look at the whole place.... (notices the rocks, dirt and ashes scattered around the whole village) the whole tribe was also part of the places that were affected by the erruption...... 
Lakas: (sadly notices the crowd and the ashes) there will be lots of things going on with a place if it is not handled by anyone.... (feels worried) and as much as I wanted the throne before.... I do not know where to start..... I do not even know if they know that father has passed away......
Lakam: (approaches and holds Lakas' shoulder) do not worry Lakas.... you do not need to lead.... not to sound hopeless but there is no time to lead when there is a threat surrounding all of us.... that is actually the reason why Bulan is worried of you coming back here...
Ulan: yeah but.... I think what matters is we need this place secured and protected because this is the only untouched and not destroyed tribe out of every tribes out there..... and at this point..... it is not just Sahaya and Thales that we should be concerned about... (whispers) our tribe is basically and generally exposed and vulnerable at this point.....
Lakas: (nods hopelessly) I really hope that I could do what I want Bulan to trust me on..... I do not want to fail him and I do not want him to keep running away......
Kidlat: guys? (looks confused at the people gathered at a specific area) sorry to interrupt but I am just bothered by all the people in that area.....
Lakam: (notices Kidlat noticing the people gathered together) I also noticed that too.... why not let's take a look....
Ulan: yeah Lakas... what do you think? (looks concerned at Lakas)
Lakas: I think we should... (seriously stares at the gathered crowd) I am the only legal in charge person right now..... so I need to see what is happening with everyone since we left..... (approaches the crowd) excuse me.... Prince Lakas here.....
*all the people notices Lakas and cries worriedly on him*
Person #1: I am glad that you are back Prince Lakas.... (cries worriedly) a lot of things happened.... and it is all happening so fast.......
Lakas: (looks nervous and concerned at everyone) why? what happened? why are you all crying???
Person #2: King Thales died as well... he was found dead in the forest.... burnt and covered in ashes as well.....
Lakas: Thales!!! (eyes widens and immediately pushes through the crowd) oh God!!! (looks shocked and frightened at Thales' dead burnt body in a platform) (tears fall on his face)
*Lakam, Ulan and Kidlat pushes through the crowd and approaches Lakas*
Lakam: what is hap... (eyes widens at Thales' dead body) oh God!! he really was part of....
Ulan: (immediately covers Lakam's mouth) (looks around consciously) (whispers) (cuts off Lakam) I think we should not say that we were there......
Lakam: (whispers confusedly at Ulan) but we still did not expect him to die......
Kidlat: (angrily stares at Thales' dead body) (whispers) still Lakam.... he deserved to die.... (looks at the people around them) but if Sahaya is alive..... she will.....
Person #3: (keeps crying) (cuts off Kidlat) I am worried if Princess Sahaya figures out about this news...
*Lakas, Lakam, Ulan and Kidlat suddenly feels nervous at a person talking about Sahaya*
Lakas: (stares at Thales' dead body) (feels nervous) (in his mind) Sahaya may be a woman but no lies... I am afraid of what she may do..... (looks back nervously at Kidlat, Ulan and Lakam)
Lakam: (looks worried at Lakas)

It is now the an afternoon and at the close area of the jungle near the Dagatan Tribe, Bulan and the rest of the boys were there chopping some banana leaves from trees.......

Bulan: (seriously and silently chops leaves with a bolo)
Hala: (looks concerned at Bulan) Bulan... what if you let us do that..... I am worried about you holding a bolo.....
Bulan: why? (smiles slightly at Hala) would you be scared if I kill??
Hala: no... it is just.... I am scared of you being hurt...
Aman: (tries to chop some leaves from the trees) yeah... (looks concerned at Bulan) you have been hurt so much these days.... in many ways... be left.... worried... anxious.... and you are tired......
Liksi: (sadly watches Bulan chopping trees while taking care of Daplan) you must be worried of Lakas......
Bulan: (guiltily listens to everyone) (stops chopping some leaves) who would not be... right?? (rests his back on a trunk of a tree) and thinking more about it.... this is not just Sidapa or Lakas leaving for their reasons..... what about Sidapa's parents.... as much as Sidapa does not want to show up to me for whatever reason... I feel the same to his parents... and I am worried that they will know that I let him go......
Daplan: well father.... (plays and examines with some leaves) you do not have to tell them.....
Bulan: but the thing is... it popped in my mind because I feel the need to tell them... I have to..... I respect Sidapa's family so much..... I need to.....
*everyone looks concerned at Bulan*
Hala: then if that is so... Agui can bring us there....
Aman: yeah and at this point.. Sidapa has to return and hope Agui really convinces him.....
Liksi: anyways... (looks around confusedly) where is Agui anyway??
*everyone confusedly look around*
Hala: I do not.... know.... that is weird... (keeps looking around) all I know is he was not here when we all woke up... I was the first one to wake up and he is not here.....
Bulan: (takes a deep breath) God.... this crisis makes everyone disappears.....
*everyone guiltily listens to Bulan*

It is now night again and near the only snowy biome of the whole region, Sidapa was there staring at the whole snowy empty field alone......

Sidapa: (keeps hugging himself) (tears fall on his face) (stares at the empty icy field alone)
Agui: (appears and peeks at Sidapa from the forest behind) (suddenly feels cold) (looks around) (in his mind) what brought Sidapa here... he cannot be here.... the temperature is too strong for fire gods like us.... 
Sidapa: (feels his tears turning frozen) (feels confused and touches his frozen tears) (feels tired and nervous) (sits on the snowy ground) (in his mind) either ways... what is the point anyway?
Agui: (guiltily watches Sidapa alone)

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