Episode 49 : Glowing Signs And Signals

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Still at the crystal falls, everyone were having their time together.....

Sidapa: (sadly dips on the lake) (feels confused) (looks around) (feels a different energy) (in his mind) what the?? why do I feel something else in this area??? (keeps looking around) it is just me and Hala together...
Aman: (watches Sidapa from underwater) (invisibles himself) (feels Sidapa's energy) (in his mind) I think he knows that I am here....
Bulan: (looks concerned at Sidapa) (steps on Aman's area) (almost outbalances on water)
*everyone notices Bulan*
Aman: (eyes widens at Bulan's feet stepping his way) (immediately swims away) what the???
Sidapa: (approaches Bulan in concern) Bulan? did you just try to walk on water???
Hala: (relaxes on a tree) is he okay????
Bulan: (shakes his head) (feels shy) I am fine.... I dipped wrongly in the water but... I am actually here to talk.....
Sidapa: to talk? what about?? (looks around)
Bulan: I am sorry if I gave you some disappointing reaction.. I was just worried about....
Sidapa: (shakes his head) no Bulan.... it is fine and..... you are valid... what you feel is valid so I am just here to do my best to be with you still and that is what matters the most....
Bulan: (shakes his head) but still... I may be stubborn but let me take this one as my fault... (holds Sidapa's cheeks) I should have acknowledge you....
Sidapa: (blushes) but Hala did this....
Hala: he planned it... (points Sidapa) so thank him more than me..... (eats a mango)
Bulan: so yeah... sorry if I really did make you sad.... but yeah, let me take this time to acknowledge what you did..... and I love you for that!!!
Sidapa: (kisses Bulan) (hugs Bulan tightly)
Bulan: (closes his eyes) (kisses Sidapa's lips softly) I love you so much Sid... (keeps kissing Sidapa)
*the lake starts to glow golden*
*everyone widens their eyes at the golden lake*
Hala: whoa! (jumps out of the tree) (walks near the water)
Kidlat: now this is a great sighting... (watches the lake turn golden)
Lakam: (jumps happily at the golden water) so this is literally made by you Sidapa.....
*Sidapa and Bulan happily looks at the golden lake*
Aman: (eyes widens at the water turning gold) this is so gorgeous!!!
Bulan: so are we okay???? (smiles at Sidapa)
*the sky starts turning dark all of the sudden*
*the winds starts blowing faster*
Ulan: (feels nervously confused) what is happening??? is this part of the magic????
Sidapa: (notices a path glowing) (feels nervous) (visions somebody dying) wait..... (walks out of the lake) oh no!
Hala: (approaches Sidapa) what oh no???
Sidapa: Hala... go and control the weather of this exact area and let all of the rest dark.......
Liksi: (feels nervous) what is happening????
Hala: (controls the light and shines down on the whole crystal falls)
Bulan: (walks to Sidapa) what is happening Sidapa? is everything fine??
Sidapa: (holds Bulan's shoulders) stay here and I will just look at something with Hala... there is nothing to worry about because this is a safe area anyway....
Bulan: what do you mean safe here? I am asking about the danger out there... and obviously there is....
Sidapa: (hugs and kisses Bulan's cheeks) I will be back.. I promise... (disappears in black smokes)
Hala: I will be back too...
*a vine heads toward Hala*
Hala: (grabs and swings away from the area) (disappears)
Aman: (feels nervous) (teleports away by water) (disappears)
*Liksi and Lakam appeoaches Bulan*
Liksi: are we going to be fine???
Bulan: we are... (feels nervous) but I wonder what is happening????
Lakam: (looks nervous at Bulan)

At the middle of the woods, Sahaya and Amaya were still lost in the middle of the sudden darkness...

*winds keep blowing around Amaya and Sahaya*
Amaya: (holds on Sahaya) this was a very wrong idea... shall we continue???
Sahaya: I do not know where to go but.. (keeps walking while wind blows at her) but I have to know where they are.....
Amaya: it is very dangerous here...
Sahaya: (shouts at Amaya) there is no such thing as dangerous here!!
*a lightning strikes near Amaya and Sahaya*
Hala: (swings from vine to vine passing Sahaya and Amaya) (disappears)
*Amaya and Sahaya hugs each other in fright and shouts*
Sahaya: (notices somebody passing by) what is that?!!!
Amaya: (still feels nervous) you still want to continue???
Sahaya: (feels scared) where is the way back home???

After a few more minutes, at the warzone, Sidapa and Hala finally arrive and turns themselves into god form......

*Sidapa and Hala invisibly appears in the middle of the warzone*
Sidapa: (looks around) this.... too much dead people happening and... (keeps watching everyone killing each other) this is what happens if that happens... the nature adapts the event and all the glowing signs are sign of the areas of dead people...
Hala: we have to find Lakan.... as soon as possible.....
Lakan: (looks confused at the dark skies) (opens and looks at his hands)
*notices water dripping to his hands*
Sidapa: (notices Lakan getting distracted by the sky) here he is.... (about to approach Lakan)
Hala: (notices a pirate heading and about to stab Lakan from the back) no!!! (shouts in fright)
*the pirate stabs Lakan from the back*
Lakan: (eyes widens) (feels intense pain) (blood suddenly comes from his mouth)
Sidapa: (eyes widens at Lakan bleeding in battle) no... this cannot be!!!!
Lakan: (falls to his knees) (notices Sidapa and Hala watching him) Sidapa? Hala? (feels confused) what are you doing here?? (starts to feel weak)
*Sidapa and Hala approaches Lakan*
Lakan: (coughs hardly) (looks at Sidapa) take care of my brother... please Sidapa... (tries to touch Sidapa)
Sidapa: (holds and starts pulling Lakan's spirit from his body)
Lakan: (passes away) (closes his eyes)
Hala: (looks sadly at Sidapa)

It is now getting dark and back at the Dagatan tribe, Ajas and Lakas finally made it at the port area of the tribe.....

Ajas: (approaches the port) (feels confused) (jumps out of the horse) what has happened here?? (sees nobody around) why is nobody here???
Lakas: (approaches Ajas with his horse) (jumps out of his horse) (feels nervous and confused) is everything okay???
Ajas: (shakes his head) stay here... stay put and do not dare leave... I will be back... (points Lakas seriously) (left)
Lakas: (feels confused at the area) (watches the strong waves of the sea) what is happening here?

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