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Your feet carried you through the narrow hallways of the building while your left hand shielded your eyes from the aggressive neon lamps above you. You made your way past rows of security guards left and right. Their non reactive behaviour made you even more anxious than you already were; it just didn't feel alright.

The path was quite linear, the game designers not having expected the player to ever venture straight through the front door. Crawling through the ventilation system or even taking the back entrance was much more exciting than just heading straight through the very fortified front entrance, which — much to your luck and timing — hadn't been fortified anyway.

Your legs seemed to carry you through the seemingly endless hallway. Soon, no more guards were to be seen anymore; the section you just reached was closed off for any normal staff. Jackpot. You were coming closer and closer to where Project N was stored. Hope stirred inside of your pounding heart as your eyes could see the end of the corridor. You quickened your pace; a little smile appeared on your lips.

How come all of this had been so easy?

"Ugh..." you groaned to yourself once you stood in front of another locked door, which needed a passcode to slide open. Exhausted and annoyed pants escaped your tired lungs, your body leaning against the cold wall made out of the mysterious material. In your stupor, you accidentally leant against the number pad, causing the security system to flare up loudly.

"You entered the wrong passcode," the robotic voice from earlier announced. You stared at the pad with wide eyes, not able to comprehend your stupidity. Your breathing soon became shallow and quick as you slipped into a devastating state of utter panic. "Pad locked for the remaining time: 9 minutes and 44 seconds."

"Ten minutes?!" you exclaimed in anger as you furiously slapped yourself. "I don't have any time to waste... wait... time..."

In a swift motion, you raised your hand with the intention to reverse time. Squinting your (E/c) eyes in concentration, you tried your best to drown out the restraining effect the condescending walls had on your mind. Yet, as nothing happened, you were left looking like an absolute idiot. Prying one eye open, you noticed that the timer hadn't changed aside from a few seconds.

"The walls..." you whispered to yourself as you testingly tried to reverse time again. Once again, nothing happened, leading you to pull a fear invoking conclusion. "So Uncle Henry really meant it when he said villain attacks would be harmless, huh?"

The walls prevented anyone from using special abilities or powers — for example you and your ability to control time. The only special ability that could protect you in case things went wrong was now gone; you were now pretty much helpless.

You cursed under your breath and rubbed your temples angrily. With your back pressed against the door, you slid down onto the ground slowly. An ever-lasting scowl rested on your face as you quietly sulked in your rage.

You had jinxed it; of course getting in there wouldn't be easy.

Irritating noise from above you snapped you out of your trance. Teary eyes gazing upward, your body tensed up in alarm. It sounded like someone's limbs banging against metal — over and over again. You immediately rose to your feet, ears trying to find the source of the unnerving noise.

"Pad unlocked. Please enter the correct password." The robotic voice easily caught your attention, your gaze diverting over to the number pad. Facing it, your outstretched hand wavered unsurely.

Praying to God that the code you had found while sneaking through Uncle Henry's office was correct, your fingers started getting to work. One by one, as your fingertip pressed down onto the hard rubber of the buttons, droplets of sweat ran down your forehead.

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