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Thunder boomed in the distance as Logan's footsteps could barely be heard through the loud noise the stormy weather caused. Somehow, he had decided to walk back home instead of flying across the sky. It was better this way anyway; his mind was rumbling with thoughts and feelings, not too sure what to make of the fog that clouded his mind.

His father wouldn't be home anyway to scold him for coming home too late. So, he took his sweet time as his drenched body was entirely relaxed.

Letting his guard down had been a grave mistake.

In a matter of seconds, a shadowy figure jumped down from one of the rooftops and tackled him onto the slippery sidewalk in a smooth motion. Logan groaned as he could feel pain coursing through his right shoulder — the limb that had harshly collided with the concrete.

"You bastard," the assailant hissed as Logan's eyes darted up to gaze at the stranger. Mouth agape, he could only stare at his 'twin' in shock. Myth in return only dug the sole of his now ruined shoes deeper into the male's chest, making him cough out in pain. Leaning closer to him, Myth narrowed his eyes. "All of this is your fault, Logan."


"I'm you — quite correct," Myth spat out in anger, letting the monster inside of him escape freely. Kicking Logan into his side, the male on the ground simply groaned and he curled up into a ball. Without any further word, Myth let himself fall down onto his knees and wrapped his twitching hands around the dazed boy's throat.

"You're... me..." the younger one mumbled, his own hands trying to pry his aggressor's away from his throat. Although his grip didn't waver, Myth made sure it was loose enough to not restrict any air flow — a fact that only fuelled Logan's grin even more. Much to Myth's confusion, his past self started to chuckle lowly. "What are you doing this for, Logan?"

Myth hesitated, not quite sure how to answer the question. Being blinded by anger and guilt, he had acted without thinking properly. The rage he had so desperately tried to stow away escaped all out of a sudden, impacting his judgement and common sense. But did he care? No, not really. Today was the day he had finally given in to the darkness that had a tight grasp on his shattered heart. With a maniacal grin, Myth narrowed his eyes. "I'm here to make you regret what you've done and what you'll do, villain."

"Villain?" Logan inquired curiously. A little cough escaped his lips when the hands around his throat tightened for a few moments. "But I—"

"I know what you'll do to (Y/n)," Myth cried out, his salty tears mixing with the rains from the heavens above. Logan only furrowed his eyebrows, not too sure what his reflection wanted to say. At this point, Myth was practically talking to himself — literally. "Whenever I see you treating her like she's worth nothing, I am reminded of... of what I did... b-because I once was you."

Myth's already shattered heart was quivering in unimaginable pain. Logan was utterly confused as he stared up at his insane twin with furrowed eyebrows. To be frank, he felt quite scared once his future self's woeful sobs entered his ears. Pushing away all of his doubts and fears, Logan knew what to do: use his aggressor's weakness against himself.

"Well, I am you and you are me," Logan breathed out, wincing as the droplets raining down onto the two grew larger and thicker in size. Lightning struck above them, only further illuminating and pronouncing the insanity on Myth's face. At his words, Myth's eye twitched anger. "In a way, this is your fault too, future me."

"That's not—"

"It is true, whether you want to accept that fact or not," Logan hissed, his lips curving into a relieved smile once Myth let go of his throat. Crazed yet pained laughter escaped the mad male's lips as he turned away from the other. Shielding his ears in pain and guilt, Myth's deranged laughter helped him drown out the taunting words of his worst enemy — himself.

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