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"Feline—" you managed to croak out.

"How do you know who I am?!" Feline hissed and lowered her upper body so she could eye you closer. You stayed silent, happy that you had just barely been able to conceal your identity with the help of your mother's mask. "But much more important, stranger, is who you are..."

"I'm..." You paused for a moment. "...Avea."

"A-Avea? What a peculiar name." Her green eyes bore into yours with such intensity that you had to avert your gaze. You nodded, trying not to seem to suspicious. She rolled her eyes before drawing her claws back, readying her arm for an attack aimed at your face. "You shouldn't be here... your bad."

Furrowing your eyebrows, you idly watched in shock as she threw her arm forward; her claws were aimed to scratch away at your face. Out of instinct, you raised your arm in an attempt to protect yourself from her sharp weapon.

Squinting your eyes, you expected pain to overcome your senses. Yet, after a few seconds, no pain could be felt. Opening your eyelids, you found her claws approaching you at the speed of a snail. Your eyes widened as you witnessed how you had seemingly slowed time again.

This time though, you could almost feel as if you were in control of your powers. Losing no time, you used the momentum to precisely grab her forearm and throw her off of you. As soon as Feline's back hit the ground, time resumed to its normal pace. You quickly scrambled to your feet and watched your right hand in awe. Shock and a tint of exhaustion racked your body.

"There you are, villainess!" a male voice shouted as something — or rather someone — descended from the sky. It was Myth who immediately picked Feline up from the ground in a chokehold. You used the distraction to run over to a frozen (Y/n) hiding behind the chapel. "You won't ever attack innocent citizens again! I — Myth — won't let you!"

"(Y/n)." You shook her by her shoulders, hoping she was alright. She seemed as if you had splashed cold water into her face, a loud shriek escaping her throat. Quickly, you managed to muffle her outburst with your palm over her lips. "Listen, you need to—"

"Who are you?" she asked, feeling a weird sense of familiarity around the mysterious stranger. The way those (E/c) eyes of hers were staring right back at her unnerved her. She felt scared and thrilled at the same time as you removed your hand from her face.

"It doesn't matter..." you whispered, quickly glancing up to see Myth still busy with Feline. Your shoulders tensed a little as she put her hand on yours, her other one reaching out to unmask you. Before her fingertips could touch your mask, you recoiled with reflexes of lightning. You hissed, making her wince slightly. She muttered a little apology, but you quickly interrupted her. "What matters is that you keep a good eye on your necklace; don't let anyone — and I mean it — touch it. Understood?"


"Just do it; just trust yourself. Don't let him touch—"

"(Y/n)?" It was silent, only Logan's lone voice ringing through the graveyard. You froze in fear, realising that your time had run short. He was approaching the bush you two were using as a hiding place. "Where are you? It's safe again, Feline has been defeated~!"

Your hand instinctively shot up as his hands parted the shrubbery, bright green eyes looking for his girlfriend. At your command, time slowed its flow while you continued to move normally. Seeing this as your chance, you bolted away and made a mad dash for the exit. Only after you had left the property, you lowered your hand to resume time.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Logan — wearing his alias as Myth — asked. He held a hand out to (Y/n), who immediately crawled back as soon as she realised who he was: a hero. His smile fell slightly at her reaction. "I'm glad you weren't hurt!"

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