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"Oh my gosh—" You gasped in horror at the state of your past counterpart. She looked like opening the door had consumed the last of her powers. You wrapped your arms around her waist as soon as she started to stumble forth and back. She sobbed quietly, holding onto you as if you were her lifeline. In her sick state, she hadn't noticed the lacking mask on your face.

"Avea—" she cried out. Myth shushed her softly, running his hand through her messy tresses. Hoping it would make her mind focus on something else, you hummed a soft tune.

"Let's get you to your bed," Myth mumbled as he carefully plucked the girl out of your arms and carried her over to the soft bed her blankets and pillows were strewn on. Setting her down softly, the mattress creaked slightly under the new weight. Kneeling down in front of yourself, you gazed into her eyes with the gentlest expression you could muster. As your (E/c) eyes met, she jolted all out of a sudden and almost fell out of her bed.

"You're me—" she exclaimed as she pointed at you with a shaky finger.

"I'm you, yes," you laughed sheepishly, not too sure how to explain this precarious situation to her.

"I thought you were Avea," (Y/n) stuttered out, looking like she was close to passing out.

"Myth, you're so gonna pay for becoming evil!" a voice hollered as someone crashed through the open window. Before any of you could comprehend what was happening, Myth was already lying on the ground, a familiar heroine sitting on top of him. (Y/n) and you watched with wide eyes as the newcomer started slapping him with her flat palm, his head whipping left to right over and over again.

"Degree—" You tried to intervene, but she immediately silenced you.

"(Y/n), this son of a bitch has betrayed all of us," she hissed angrily. You reached out to her, trying to get a hold of her wrist so she'd finally leave poor Myth in peace. Your fingers curled around her forearm, which made her shoot you an angry glare. "Let go of me so I can teach him a lesson."

"No, Mary," you mumbled with stern eyes, grip hardening slightly. As those words escaped your lips, she immediately ripped her limb out of your grip. What did you just call her? Freezing in her movement, she stared at you with unbelieving eyes.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say," she spoke slowly, pronouncing every syllable loud and clearly.

You coughed slightly, not sure what you had done wrong. "I said—"

"How do you know my real name?" Degree shouted at the top of her lungs, making (Y/n) wince back in surprise. You looked at the blonde, flabbergasted as your mouth was in the shape of a circle; you had used her real name — which you technically weren't supposed to know — without even noticing. At the sudden tense silence that enveloped the room, Degree only grew more and more impatient since she received no answer from you. Purple eyes narrowing suspiciously, she clenched her teeth. "You're not supposed to know!"

"I'm not... I'm not the (Y/n) you know, Mary," you tried to explain, hoping your words were coherent and understandable. That was the moment Degree noticed that there wasn't just one (Y/n) in the room — there were two. Her grip around Myth's collar loosened and her gaze flickered between (Y/n) and you. Her eyes searched for any differences she could use to separate the two of you by, but the only thing differentiating you two was (Y/n)'s overall sickly appearance. Hoping to have caught her attention, you quickly pointed to the boy she was currently sitting on. "And that's not the Myth you know. This one is innocent... this time around!"

"Why— Why are there two of you?" By now, she had let go of Myth and risen to her own two feet, leaving a painfully groaning hero on the carpeted ground. You opened your mouth, only to close it once again. Degree rubbed her temples and closed her tired eyes with a strained sigh. "I know I should have gone to bed earlier... I'm starting to see things double now..."

Real Reality (Yandere!Hero x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now