Gym battle:vs Viola

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"James wait!"Brianna said.

I stopped and let her come up to me.

"Take these"she said handing me 7 pokéballs.

"You'll need 'em"she said.

I nodded and continued walking into the forest.As soon as we were in my pichu woke up and popped it's head out of my bag.

"Hi Pichu"I said looking at it.

"You need a name.How about when I find out what gender you are,I'll give you you're name"I said.

Pichu pouted and I laughed.We countined walking untill a Flecthling came at us.I just stood there with my pokédex out.It was a flying type.Might as well send out Froakie,just to show Pichu our new friend.

"Froakie go!"I said.

The Pichu tilted it's head like a dog.When it saw the frog like pokemon it had a smile on it's face.

"Froakie tackle!"I said pointing at the bird pokemon.He gets a direct hit on the pokémon.I throw my pokeball and wait for it's clicking noise or my pokedex go off.I hear a loud clicking noise.I run to my pokéball and grab it.

"Hey Fletchling,were going to be an awesome team"I say to the pokéball.

I continue my walk through the forest with no wild pokémon trying to attack me.When we exit the forest Pichu popped it's head out and climbed on mine.

"Pichu!"I said lifting it off my head and carrying it.

We continue to walk and say hi to near by trainers.Pichu and I just leave route 3 and make it to Santalune City and Pichu is anxious to battle someone.

"Lets go to the gym then"I say walking towards it.

Pichu just jumps up and down on my head giving me a headache.

"Alright off the head"I say picking the pokémon off my head and ruffling my blonde hair.

We get to the gym door to see a roller skater.

"Do you have roller skates?"The skater asked.

"No.I have a skateboard though"I say pulling it out.

"How 'bout,if you beat me in a battle and win,I'll give you a pair of roller skates"She asked.

I nodded my head in agreement.I got battle ready.

"Pichu get ready"I said.

It did a front flip off my head and landed perfectly on it's feet.

"Zigzagoon,go!"She shouted throwing her pokeball.

Pichu didn't seem scared.Like it knew this battle was going to happen.

"Zigzagoon,tackle!"She yelled."Pichu dodge and Thunder Shock!"I yelled.

The zigzagoon ran up to Pichu and jumped for Tackle,pichu ducked and used Thunder Shock as soon as it was over the head.The zigzagoon was shocked so hard you could see it's exoskeleton.

"Zigzagoon no!"She yelled.

"Pichu yes!"I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me.

I turned around to see Mitch.

"Mitch!!"I yelled giving him a hug.

"Nice Pichu"he said."Wish he or she was awake to battle against Brianna and Claire though"he said.

"MITCH!"I saw pichu surround itself in electricity and just tackle zigzagoon.

"WHA-HOW?!"The girl said."Anyways,nice battle!My names Rinka.What color do you want?"She said.

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