The ride home.

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I dont know how I feel about my sisters, Nichole, new boyfriend, Travis. I don't know if I should be worried he might mistreat her because she is the only girl that has ever understood me, including my Mom, or if I should be happy for her because she's finally over that douche bag , James, or even if I should be jealous that she can find a sweet, caring, delicious looking man and all I get attention from is the nerdy little science geeks. And the cheerleaders. Gross.

  "Austin! "Nichole shouts to the back of the car.
"How did you like the movie?"
I thought about saying it's gay but I decided against it.
" It was alright. A little to many boobs, but other than that it was a pretty good movie ,from what I could hear over you two sucking face."
Travis gives Nichole a questioned look after I said there's to many boobs.
" I'll explain when we get back to my room." I read Nicholes mouth movements because I can't hear shit over the radio.
We pull in to the drive way and before the car comes to a complete stop I unbuckle my seat belt and jet to the door grabbing Nicholes arm and shoving her inside. I pull her to the side and I'm flippingout because she is the only other person ,besides my ex Justin, who knows that I'm attracted to men.
"do not tell anybody or you well regret it"
"What are you going to do tell Mom and dad? Good luck with that.tell me how it goes."she chuckles
"it's not funny!" I snap almost in tears.
"I'm sorry it just slipped out.I'm still getting used to the fact to watch what I say incase it might offend you" she basically pushes the words out of her throat which was getting dry and the tears were coming. I could feel it.
as she pulls me in for a hug, I blink back my tears from wetting her new beige floral blouse.

About forty seconds pass and she finally breaks the ice.
" well I should probably get back to my date he's probably wondering what's going on." She sneered with little white teeth poking out of the corners of her mouth.
"don't tell and if you do tell him not to tell anybody or else he will regret it.Mkay?"
"k ,I love you even if you don't feel the same way. " Nichole basically shouts while jogging up the 33 stair flight in our family room, that leads up to Nicoles ,mine and, the guest bedrooms.

Nicoles p.o.v

" what was that all about?"Travis questions me.

"Nothing j j ju just uhhh.." I stutter trying to come up with something real fast.
"Cmonnn babe" he begs me
"you promise you won't say a word to anybody? "I persuade him.
"Yes I promise." He states while he ours out his pinkie.I firmly grasp his pinky with mine and i start to explain.

sshhh. Don't tell my sisterWhere stories live. Discover now