The Hospital

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Travis p.o.v.

I look at my phone and my battery is blinking, but I dont care. I glance at the time and it reads 2:37am. I have been here, in the hospital waiting room for about 14 and a half hours waiting for Austins stitches to be completed and for him to go to the recovery room  so I can go see him. For some reason I feel like this is all my fault, he was  in shock  because of what I told him. I just hope to god hes ok. Nichole is in college all the way in Hawaii. Hawaii State at Manoa is the college she is attending currently to earn her masters degree for teaching chemistry. So she is not here, thank god.


3 hours  later

I am so tired I am just ready to pass out, but then as soon as I shut my eyes they are pushing Austins gurnee in to the rec. room. I spring to my feet and I start asking all the questions one could have in a situation like this.

" Is he ok?"

" When can i take him home?"

"When can  see him?"

" If i talk to him,will he be able to hear me?"

"SHUT YO TRAP BOI" a black nurse named Tanisha snaps. 

" Sorry i just wanted to know bcauseI-I l-l-ov-ve him." I struggle as the words come out

" Oh that is cuuutte" Tanisha streches the u a little too long." How did it all start"

Then I explain. About 10 or 15 minutes later a caucajun nurse ,with  blonde long hair and bangs like a child , pokes her head out the curtains and says

" Travis, you can come in and see him now. Hes awake but he shouldnt respond,if he does then he has some kind of attraction to you and his heart shoud beat faster and that should stimulate a response in the blood that sends the morphin to his brain which wakes him"

" Thank you so much ..... " I pause trying to look at her nametag with out making it look lkie im looking at her tits.

"Alex " she firmly finishes my sentene for me wiht a smile and says" Hes all yours" as sheleaves the room.

        I walk into the room and pull up a chair next to the bed. I grab his hand and when I do I feel his warm soft skin and if  hold tighter H feel his heartbet getting fster and his hands sweat but that is probably my imagiation and my sweat.

"You know I feel like this is my fault. I shouldnt have told you , but I wanted to. I couldnt take it anymore, I just want to be with you and kiss you ,cuddle with you and call you mine. but the only problem with that is, I dont know if you like me as more than a friend. are you picking up what I'm putting down?" I chuckle

" I know you cant hear me so im going to say what ive been holding in from day one, I love you Austin and I always will."

Did he just smile? Probably not. Who am I kidding. Im delerious as hell , and Im lovestruck.

I stand up and see that there is enough room on the bed for me and him. so I get up and lay down by him, holding him. I start talking to him again.

"I just wish it could be like this all the time. Not you hurt and in the hospital but you know what I mean. Just me and you and not a single care in the world.I see the way they treat people like us at school and im willing to do that for you. You know why? Because I love you and I wouldnt change it for the word."

I sit up and see Austins face red. I dont know if he is awake and blushing or if it was from the morphine drip he was on. I brush my thumb sideways by the stitches on the side of his forehead. I cant help myself so I slowly lean down an press my lips to his. They are warm and soft. Suddenly I feel his hand run up my back and him kissing me back.

oh my god I cannot beieve this is happning. How long has he been awake? Did he correspond with all I just said? Wow hes a good kisser for somone who is supposed to be knocked out from all the drugs they had to put into his system for the stitches.

" h-h-how l-long have you been awake?" I sutter like an idoit

" Long enough to know that your hands are really soft and warm." He turns his head to my face so we are like 3 inches from touching noses and smiles. Bearing all of his irredecent white teeth. 

" d-d-did y-you h-h-hear m-m-me? like what i said" did you corespod with the words?"

" Yes I did and I just want you to know that I love yo too and I woudnt change it for the world. And I wish it could be like this all the time too. just the 2 of us, in love with out peope caring. And yes Iwant to be more than friends."


"yes, seriously."

He kisses me one more time, then I wrap my arms around him whisper "I love you" and let sleep take me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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