5 ~ Strangelove

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Five days later, October 29th, the house:

Similarly to most mornings, Dave was awake early. Before anyone else. Before the sun settled into the sky, which was dim and cloudy as the dawn cracked.

Alas, his body ached from the exhaustion, having had ill sleep the night before. But he didn't care. It was the last thing on his mind.

However the first thing on his mind was his niece. Poppi. The eleven month old with a contagious laugh, a smile that incinerated hearts and a lust for life no one her age or in general had ever adopted. The least deserving child of gravely illness.

"Should've been me." He thought to himself, continuing his morning rituals. "Or anyone. Anyone but you."
The medical centre, 10:43am:

Martin leaned his forearms on the windowsill as he stared out into the mid-morning sky. He felt trapped and claustrophobic, having quarantined in the same room for days. Whilst he stared, he thought about the up and coming Halloween holiday, Poppi's first, which she wouldn't be able to celebrate as she continued to recover.

A tear formed within his eye.

Her first birthday was vastly approaching. The longer she were hospitalised, the faster it approached. Time wore thin, as did his patience.

"I wanna get out of here." He whispered solemnly, wiping his teary eyes.

"You alright?" Alan asked softly from behind him.

"No," He replied without turning around. "It's been too long since we could take her outside. To the park or something. She doesn't get a first Halloween. I'm worried she won't get a first birthday."

"Perhaps we'll have to adjust things slightly, but look, love, we're going to give her the the best birthday we possibly can. Full of monkeys, cake and love."

Alan never ceased to make him smile.

At last looking away from the window, Martin fell into his embrace and looked over his shoulder at the cot. Within its encapsulation was Poppi; she looked in better spirits than usual, gazing up at the nightlight with her monkey against her chest.

And she was smiling.

Days had passed since Martin nor his partner had last seen her smile.


Still holding him, Alan craned his neck round and felt his heart perpetrate at the sight.

"She's really on the mend, baby. We won't be here much longer, if any longer at all!" His eyes lit up with great optimism.

"I can't wait to go home. I miss it so much." Martin huffed, tipping his head back.

"I miss it too. Not long, Mart, not long."

Their homesickness was immeasurable. No matter how much they had settled into their room, it would never come close to home.
The house, 10:50am:


Dave's body jolted as a vigorous knock pounded against his front door.

"IT'S OPEN!" He called out.

Keys clashing and door handles turning, Andy allowed himself into the house.

"Hello to you too!" He laughed sarcastically. "Where are you, anyway?"

"In here." Came the reply, the voicer sounding without energy.

Andy didn't know where he meant by such simplicity of an answer, but he followed the voice, ultimately leading himself to the dining room.

It Won't Always Be Like This (Alan Wilder x Martin Gore)Where stories live. Discover now