Chapter 2

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Chanting the well starts to glow after a minute or two. After about 5 minutes it was a very bright f/c into. It stopped. The light went out and the wendigos ran off into the darkness of the forest. The others stare as a s/c demon clawed hand is seen grabbing on to the side of the well.

Another hand reaches out grading the side of the well. Soon after a body is pulled out and onto the ground. The others getting in a fighting stance as JJ walks up to him. "Welcome home..King l/n" she said while getting on one knee bowing. " JJ? Is that you, you smell different and sound older. Who are the others" smiling the tall clown laughs and picks up the small male in a hug.

Putting him down and moving out of the way his face is more visible. He has h/l h/c hair, and white dull like eyes. With a stitched mouth closed and stitches going from his check around his eye and to his hairline. "The one with the blood smell is Jeff, The one with the tar is Eyeless jack, or EJ but we mostly call him Jack, the one that smells like a male but oddly of vanilla is Masky, and the tall one that smells like paper is Slenderman." JJ says as she picks the boy back up. And begin to walk telling the others to follow and keep an eye out for any danger. ¨ JJ what year is it..why does the earth smell so...dead¨the smaller boy asked, laying his head against the taller clown. ¨ the year is (year your reading this). After your cures and banishment the kingdoms fell and died. Leaving but a few mortals, that's all that's left now, mortal humans.They are killing it and each other. Rest for now questions later I know you're tired you haven't had peace in over 10000 years anyway¨

After a while of silence Jeff is the first to speak. ¨why don't we just teleport?¨ He asks looking at the tall clown in front of them. ¨ shh¨ Is all she says, keeping her eyes forward.

The other two look over at their boss and masky but only to see their boss. After about five more minutes Slenderman speaks. ¨ I'm getting word from Masky, it's safe to teleport now. ¨ Slenderman said standing in between the two shorter males, putting his hands on their shoulders. Teleporting then and himself to the mansion living room where everyone sat, a clam and save aura around them and the mansion. Something never seen before.

A black smoke is seen, then out walks the tall clown with the shorter male still asleep. Looking around the room it was clean, no blood, no mess, everyone was giving off a nice and comfortable feeling in the air.

The clown twins look at each other and laugh. ¨When you told me they looked this missable I didn't think they would look like this! Lighten up everyone. I'll wake him up so he can meet you then you can go get back to normal..but um what's with the pink skirt toby?¨ ẗhe clowns laugh more looking at him. ¨sally..¨ is all the twitching boy said with a hidden blush. Walking over and sitting next to her twin, JJ talks in a soft voice to the short male. As a mother to a baby.

¨ wake up now, we are home" The short male opens his eyes and looks around. "That's a lot of people, are we in a small village?" he asks. "No we are not." outing him down and standing up the clown talks in front of everyone with the male. "Do not fear them. Everyone you may turn back now" A deadly bloodlust aura is released into the air. "Welcome to Slender Mansion"

"The small child with the smell of blood is Sally, the other little girl is Lazari. The one that smells like me but a male is Laughing Jack or just LJ, my twin brother. The dog is Smile dog the cat grinny cat. The male next to Masky is hoodie, The one with the ticking sound is Toby. The one that smells like wood is Jason, he makes toys. BEN smells like a- um Tv but you don't know what that is. The monster outside is rake. The candy smelling demon is Candy pop. it may be small but not everyone lives in the mansion anymore." The clown looks at everyone and smiles. "Fellow creepypastas meet King M/n. King of the Spade kingdom. M/n you can walk around and get used to everything while i talk to the others and i'll talk with you later ok." "ok"

Watching the smaller male walk off she looks at everyone. "Let me explain.. A long time ago even before slender was born, before the dinosaurs. There were 4 kingdoms run by 2 kings and two queens. King of spades, the spade kingdom, king of diamonds, the diamond kingdom, queen hearts, the heart kingdom, and queen of clovers, the clover kingdom."

"Queen clover and king diamond were supposed to be wedded to make their kingdoms stronger. Now keep in mind the strongest kingdoms were Spades, hearts, diamonds, then clovers. But king diamond didn want to marry her, he wanted to marry king spade. They were secretly dating for a year at the time, but it was forbidden for a king to be with a king because they couldn't have a child."

On the night of the wedding King diamond couldn't take it. He said...

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