Chapter 8 Set free, Last part

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As we walked into battle I clenched my jew hard. I'm going to have to do magic without my words, this is gonna be hard. "Zalgo..'' I heard JJ say all at once I could smell a lot of new people, and I mean a lot but I also smelled a scent so familiar.. "So foolish you are slender. Bring such a small army! HAHA! And what's that small little thing! YOur out numbered maybe 20 to one! And sure your proxies are strong to bet more then one at once but i got a new friend. Hehe, your little new member knows him, his name is Nex." M/n froze as he heard the familiar voice. " Hello father. How was life in a well?" " No! You're dead! You're supposed to be dead! HOW DID YOU SURVIVE BUT HE DIDN'T!" m/n shouted stepping forward. "BECAUSE YOU KILLED HIM!! YOU KILL ALL OF THEM!!" m/n eyes widen. "No.." " What don't remember, let me show you!"

M/n and nex had a purple ball around them stopping anyone getting to them.

"King diamond! It's king spade! Something is wrong, very wrong!" A doctor said running to him. "What do you mean?! What happened!?" king diamond asked panicked. "His eyes! They bleed blood! Thick black blood! He is not himself, he ran off into the main village!" With that King diamond was off running to the village. "What happened- oh my dear lord.." in front of him was his beloved king on all fours, his stitched mouth ripped and all bloody nothing but a black void in his mouth and eyes as they leaked a dark black thick liquid. Blood all over him and below him laid the dead body of Queen of hearts.

"m-m/n what have you done.." with a deep dark hiss from m/n he jumped at king diamond. His smile from ear to ear somehow getting bigger as he ripped king daimon open, taking out his heart and eating it like he did with queen hearts. Nex who ran to find his beloved father stared in horror, backing away slowly. Watching as every living thing that came near M/n was killed. Nex did the only thing he could think of. Reaching down into his chest he let out a high cry anyone would fear. The cry of the wendigo. Within seconds they were there. LOoking at Nex then the burning city in front of him with a bloody king in the middle of it all face covered in the black liquid. They did the fastest thing they could think of. Together the ancient beast banished M/n King of spades into a well that they would guard for life.

"You killed them. You killed them all! LIFT YOUR HEAD UP! YOU LOOK AT ME!" Nex yelled, breaking the forcefields seeing the others all fighting. M/n opening his wings for the first time in a while lifted his head. With the same black liquid as before. But more water. He cried his white bull eyes slowly turned back into the once e/c eyes he had before. The stitching on his mouth came undone. He whispered the first two real words since his curse over a billion years ago. " I'm sorry.." "How..HOW ARE YOU FIXED! THIS IS NOT FAIR! I WANT YOU TO SUFFER!!" " i'm so sorry for this nex..i love you i really do...power of a king eacule to a thousand men heart of gold now turned old trying to kill me so bold,flapping his wings m/n flies to eye level with nex. " lost nation so old my glory forgotten but i am not to be forsaken. Death to you and your people, " he said pointing at zalgo. " Im king i dont need a fucking reason."

M/n could feel his fellow royals beside him. As those alive screamed in pain as their skin melted off their bones, slowly and painfully the only thing heard were the screams of the opposite side. As their remains turned to dust, wind blew the dust away. M/n flew down and landed on the grassy field. He could see the ghosts of his friends before him. King Alexander of the diamond kingdom, Queen Iris of the hearts kingdom, and Queen Alice of the clubs kingdom. M/n smiled and walked towards zalgo. " With the power of Queen Alice of the clubs kingdom, Queen Iris of the hearts kingdom," As each name he said the symbols of that kingdom aperd on his face. " King Alexander of the Diamond kingdom, and King m/n of the shaped kingdom." m/ns voice cowed as his fellow king and queens stood beside him saying with him, " We send you to the well of wendigos for all of eternity."

M/n looked at nex and smiled. " I realise your soul." With that his son turned to dust and finally was able to rest. " I'm free" he said, turning to the others with tears in his eyes.

"Dad, I don't believe you took down all those people buy yourself!" said a little boy. "Oh, be quiet nex! You know dad did that!" said the twin of the first boy. " Alex is right nex, Your father did do that.with the help of his old friends, and my proxies did kill half of them not to brag or anything." Slender said. "Daddy! Your back!" m/n laughed and got up off the floor. "Hey slendy, how was your brothers?" m/n asked giving slender a kiss where his lips sound be. " Exhausting. But I'm glad to be back and see my husband. But it's time for you two to go to bed. Slender picked up his twin boys and took them up stairs to bed.

M/n walked outside and put a red rose down next to the 4 graves of his friends and son. " Heh i think i named them wrong, alex acts like you did nex, and nex acts like you alex. Miss you guys."

A/n: After about a year its done sorry its a little rushed but i wanted it done so i can work on my other stories more 

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