Chapter 6

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The next morning JJ helped m/n and woke everyone up at 5 am and brought them outside. " listen up! You all are coming with me. For the next year you will get up every morning at no later than 5 am. You will have the same training as head knights from m/ns time. The knights that stood next to the king or queen. It will be long and hard. But keep in mind it will be easier than what is written in the books. Because we only have about a year and we don't have some things needed in the training."

" We are killers. Not worriers. But we will be the best fucking killers armys will far before us. Zalgo will stand no change no matter what or who he has working with him. Now creepypastas follow me to your training." She walked off as the other followed too tired to really argue back. Leaving just m/n and slender behind. " I can only guess you already are better than the training they are going to do?"The tall being asked. "I am far better than what they are training for."

The two walked inside. " Well it is just you and me now. So would you mind telling me about yourself. And this kingdom and past." If m/n could he would smile. " I would be delighted see.

I don't know but i can tell you what i do know "

There were four kingdoms. There was the kingdom of Spades, the strongest kingdom. The heart kingdom the second strongest, then the diamond kingdom then the clubs kingdom. The royals were only named as their kingdom. Such as king spade, or queen hearts. The only ones allowed to call them by their real name if they were married or family. The clubs kingdom was the weakest so queen clubs wanted to marry into a powerful kingdom. Now marriage with the same gender wasn't really a rule against it.

King Diamond wanted to ask his beloved m/n, king of the spades to marry him at a party of all kingdoms where all were invited. And as everyone loved their king or queen almost all went. But before king diamond could ask his lover to be his forever. Queen clover used her booming voice; all the royals had to speak loud for everyone to hear. " King Diamond and I are getting married in 2 weeks!" People celebrated the news of the new kingdom soon to be...

Everyone was so happy about it king Diamond never got the chance to tell everyone that what she said was a Lie.

" you have to.." "But m/n i don't want to marry her! I love you!" The eldest king smiled and held his lover's hand. " It will be best for the kingdoms. Are the people in them. And they are what matter. I love you Alexander but this is goodbye." He smiled and kissed his love one last time before walking off. That was the last he seen of his lover.

m/n would always do his daily things. Such as walking the town in the morning over to the training yards. Helping the knights in training. Then the rest of his day. Eating, helping town people, attending things. And ending it with a nightly song. "Oh hush now my baby be still love dont cry sleep like you're out by the stream~" the king sings softly laying down with his young dragon. "Sleep and remember my last lullaby..and i'll be with you as you dream" with a smile on his face and his child in his arms he fell asleep.

Everything was fine until the day of the wedding came. " Ok Nex I'll be home soon ok" m/n said and smiled at his little dragon. Nex whined in protest not wanting his caregiver to leave. In fear he won't return. " I'll be back, I promise." With that the king was off.

He sat down with The queen of hearts. She smiled at him and they waited for the soon to be queen on diamonds. M/n didn't pay attention to what they were saying not into the i do's came. He may seem his normal happy calm self on the outside but on the side he was in so much pain. "Do you Queen Alice of the clubs kingdom take Alexander to be your husband to death, do you no part." " i do!" She yelled with a smirk-like smile.

"And do you King Alexander take Alice to be your wife to death, do you no part" " i..I don't! And I NEVER will. King spade took my heart a long time ago and it belongs to him." the young king said backing away from the queen and looking at king spade. " WHAT!!" Queen clover was furish. This was her wedding her husband to be! And that know it all king is taking that away he already is the strongest kingdom! " TRESSON! CURSE! HE CURSED MY HUSBAND TO LOVE HIM AND NOT ME!" She yells pointing at him.

"What! No guards don't touch him, that's an order!" King diamond yells at his guards to back up. The queen growls and pints the king spade. "YOU!" King spade was shocked he didn't know what to do, so he tried to run to his lover into queen clover pointed at him. " FOR THE BETRAYAL ON THE KINGDOM I QUEEN CLOVER CURSE YOU KING SPADES YOU WILL NEVER FIND YOUR MATE! YOU WILL BE BLIND AND MUTE NEVER TO SEE OR SPEAK AGAIN!! MAY YOU BE IN DARKNESS WITH NO PEACE!!!" The queen yells cursing the king. "NO!!" both king diamond and queen heart yells at the same time.

A bright light shines out of king spades eyes and mouth and he screams. Falling to the ground queen heart runs over to him to help the young king up. He tries to thank her but nothing comes out. Opening his eyes his once beautiful bright e/c and now completely white. His mouth stitched shut. " how dare you..I NEVER WANTED TO MARRY YOU!! If I could, I would marry m/n any day!!" The room gasped, kings and queens using their birth name is forbidden unless they are married or extremely close.

" I king Alexander of the diamond kingdom sentence you to death! For treason and cursing a higher royal then you! Guard take her away and fed her to the dragons of mountain peak!!" king diamond looks out at her people and his, then at queen heart helping his lover off the ground tears running down his face. Walking over he grads the higher king's hands. " for i can not remove a curse. I give a blessing from the gods" he smiles as a tear runs down his face.

" i king of diamonds, bless you to be released of your curse when you forgive and heal."

He said with his eyes closed.

"I do believe that is correct on what happened" m/n said. "Do you not remember your childhood or parents?" slenderman asked. "I don't have any of those. We weren't born, we were made." Slenderman nodded his head. "What happened to the kingdoms and the others?" m/n Looked to be taken back by that question. " I don't know. I was never taken back to my home. I was taken to the well of the wendigos." "and what happened to Nex and how did you end up with a dragon?" m/n froze a little with that question then seemed to have a tear fall. " I found an abandoned egg..A dragon egg. It was hatched so i didn't think anything of it but when i looked inside i saw a couple days old baby dragon. So I took him in as my own. As for what happened...I don't know"


Sorry for the big time skips and this mostly being a little back story chapter 

but the next come chapters will be longer

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