Chapter 4

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She huffed and stode up. "Well fine! If you're going to make fun of me then so be it! I will just go see offender!" she walked to the stairs and looked back at everyone with a red face as they laughed even more. "He likes my stories and my old timing english! Thou shall run the day thee made fun of i!" she yells, stomping up them to the offender's room.

Jeff snickers at his best friend and stands up. " how dare thee make thoe fair lady upset!" he yells and walks upstairs laughing once no one was there and the others fell over. Then the smaller boy from before comes walking in the room soken wet. " Where is JJ? I request her isistance¨ ¨why are you wet¨ ¨why are you muddy¨ some ask while others just get up and walk off doing their own thing now that the show is gone. ¨come on i'll take you to her¨ says toby as he gets up and helps the smaller boy to her and LJ's shared room. So what happened?¨ ¨i jumped out a window¨ m/n replied. 'wtf?? Why???¨ is all that comes to the tall boy's mind. ¨umm well here she might be in her room.¨ He knocks on the door and nothing. ¨she might be in Jeff's room.¨ they walk to his room knock, and again nothing. ¨ Toby signs and looks down at the smaller boy. ¨ sorry m/n but i don't think she's here, but how about i take you to slender¨ the smaller boy showed sadness but nodded anyway and followed the tall proxy.

¨Here we are, mn!¨ Toby smiles happily and walks in his bosses office. ¨ Hello child hello m/n. I'm guessing you can find JJ?¨ ¨no sir i cant i was hoping you could help. ¨Yes she, Jeff and offender left for a little but will be back tomorrow morning, for now I will watch m/n. You may leave, thank you for bringing him toby.¨ ¨no problem sir!¨ Toby happily leaves to go bother someone.

¨ Come now child i will take you to a room.¨ ¨I'm older than you.¨ Slender laughed and took the small boys hand. ¨i suppose you are m/n¨

Teleporting to the second floor in an empty room. ¨ Here JJ had me and my brothers help her find some things from your time. Or as close as we could find. But there is a banicaly so you can have some fresh air, i hear you could fly before your curse so i thought you would enjoy that¨ ¨Thank you slender¨ the small boy feels around the room and all the things in it.

¨No worries now let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed.¨ Helping the small boy a bath and helping him wash off all the dirt and all the other things on him. Brushing his hair and teeth, and helping him put on an old timing sleepwear and putting him to bed.

A Fight Worth Fighting (Slenderman x M. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now