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"you must be his new one huh," he scoffed, shoving the gun right up in my forehead. i shut my eyes and tears flowed out, too gore in my liking. "can't believe he killed all my men for her only to find a new one," he mumbled when i didn't give an answer. "i'm telling you, if you don't want to die a horrible death- run." he sarcastically laughed after.

if it was possible, fear just gradually getting bigger. when he laughed, i feared that he might just actually shoot me without actually meaning it. 

where the fuck did you buy ice cream?

it actually crossed my mind dohyun saw me- then ran away. but no, there were already a few times i caught a glimpse of a gun on his pants' waistband, i just didn't wanna bother him asking it.

so worst comes to worst, i discreetly got my phone on my back pocket and tapped away to speed dial the first one, seung. well- i hoped i dialed him. i also hoped this man in front of me is too engrossed on pointing his gun up on my head rather than my hands.

"still aren't going to talk, doll?" he whispered, too near on my ear. i gulped a big lump on my throat.

"i- i don't know who, or w-what you're talking about." i glared at him, but still frozen on my place.

"oh, honey," he purposely breathed out on my neck and stood upright after. "you know well who i'm talking about." he smirked. 

his gun might've now taken a mark on my forehead, i wanted to just kick his balls and run. 

hurts being a scaredy-cat.

"oh," his eyes dart behind me, but i couldn't follow because of his gun. "look who has finally decided to show," he pulls me in his arms, taking hostage. 

the gun was now on my temple, and he was practically choking me with his arm.

the moment your eyes land on dohyun, he was skillfully pointing his gun at the man.

who was this  man anyway?

"let her go," dohyun grunts, taking a step closer- only for the man to shove his gun more on my head. "you want me, i'm here."

"hell yeah- here to kill you and those around you, motherfucker." the man snickers, i could almost bet my life that a smirk was planted on his lips. "you killed my men- i kill yours," he almost-whispered, but since no one was there, everyone heard it.

"i had to kill your men," dohyun answers after letting out a scoff. "they weren't talking." a smirk played on his lips too, as if mocking the man.

"and now you killed my men for nothing? what's this girl for now? where's your love for the other?" he snickers and sways me mindlessly. tears were still flowing out of fear, but i felt numb. was i going to die right here, right now?

"oh please," dohyun was about to say something but the man stops him by cocking his gun.

"you killed my men for yours, how about i kill yours for me?" the man wasn't going down without a fight. i knew right away he was talking about me by the way he pushed himself closer to me. 

okay so now i feel everything. fuck i'm going to die, i'm going to die, i'm going to die.

"kill her then," dohyun lowers his gun and my eyes immediately shot up to meet his.

his eyes doesn't show remorse, he just simply stared at the man and urged him to do it.

my eyes flickered, am i fucking hearing things right? i dropped my phone on the ground, hopeless.

"you're damn right, i will." the man also cocked his gun that was pointed at my temple. i just simply stared at dohyun in front of me, dumbfounded. "i told you so," he whispers in my ear but i couldn't care less. the day i was jumping about earlier, was the last day i will live.

my ear rang at the sudden shooting of gun, the next thing i know dohyun was dragging me to his car. i look back, the man was beside the bodyguard he shot, also pooling in his own blood.

the other bodyguard had apparently shot him from behind, the reason for the sudden deafening sound on my ears.

trauma had hit me like a truck, the moment i sat inside the car and dohyun started driving, i felt all the goosebumps on my spine and curled up like a ball despite it being dangerous.

"you're okay," dohyun caressed my arm.

"don't touch me," i slap his hand away lightly, too lifeless to get mad.

"hyerin-," he starts but ended with a sigh. "let's get you home first." he drives off, i didn't even have the energy to look up where he's going. 

wherever this home was, i just wanted to be on my parent's arms. 

"we're here." dohyun spits out after a few minutes of reckless driving. i look up, and it wasn't home. it wasn't, not because of my blurry vision caused by my tears, or my adrenaline going low.

"where am i?" my voice cracked, looking up at dohyun. "where the hell did you take me?" i grip at the hem of my hoodie, fiddling with it.

what the fuck did i just get into?

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