Chapter 9

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As requested. Here it is


Jade's POV

The gang was complete and we were all talking about our grades. First semester was over and I am surely failing Biology. I mean seriously? I'm failing and I hate tutoring okay? It kinda makes me look stupid.

"Guys,Mom just called me",I said,"It's ughmm...ughh",how do I say this?

"She got your report card and she's gonna have you tutored?",Red said

"Well the report card thing was right,but..",I said

"But what?",Aika said eager to know

"But the second one was wrong",I replied

"Sooo?",Kuya Rein joined in while the others were staring at me,wanting to know what I'm gonna say

"She said if I don't get my grades up,she'll let me ho home and stay there for good",I explained

"Your mom said that before",Cyruz said finally speaking,"Just talk to her",he continued

"But she really is serious when she said it to me,and she said if I don't start taking things seriously. She'll do worst",they frowned

"Like what?",Carry and Joey asked

"Like going to Canada. She said I can finish there",I said almost breaking down, my voice was already cracking up.

"And you all know how much I don't want to go there",I said crying

"'s okay. We'll help you",Red said. They all nodded and that made me smile

"Thanks",I said smiling

"Of course",Anne assured

They all know why I don't wanna go there. They all know the reason why I came here in the U.S. It was freshmen year when I transferred,2nd semester to be exact. I didn't transfer here because I was failing. In fact it was just a really pathetic reason. Back in Canada,I experienced my first heartbreak,I know it's a stupid reason why I transferred but it was acceptable for me. Mom got worried about me so she let me transfer. That's when I promised that I'll forget evetything,move on and be stronger. I was really pathetic before,so fragile. Remembering my old self always made me laugh. But I would like to thank the jerk who broke my heart. It turned me to who I was today,and it also helped me find friend. TRUE FRIENDS. My so called "friends" before we're using me for my money and was playing with me,the jerk that broke my heart was just paid to do so. Why? It's because they we're insecure. I don't know what happened to them and I don't care.

Author's Note

Sorry for the long wait and a really short chapter. Well since you know Jade's past now do stuff or something,hahahah. Okay bye


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