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"What the ?!"

"Wake up,sleepy head",Aika said

"Oh my gosh !!,it's our first day in Senior year !",Carry said

"Oh great,guyz the girls are awake",Rein said

"Great,now we need to get ready",Joey said

"What!,It's morning already?",Red said

"Okay guyz,shut up,everyone get ready",Cyruz said

Everyone was watching him,I mean seriously,he was so ready when our classes are not starting until the next hour

"Well,somebody's early",I said

"You mean,always early",Red said

"Yeah,whatever",Carry said

"The two of you get up"

Red and I where still in bed,Cyruz was already ready for school,while Aika,Rein,Carry and Joey were still in their pj's

I'm Jade De Los Santos,16 years old,those people who were earlier babbling were my friends

Aika Reyes,the preppy one

Carry Jane,the nerdy one

Red Guerrero,the "cool" one

Rein Gonzalez,he's actually 17,he's our older brother

Joey Cruz,the also nerdy one and

Cyruz Luz,the early bird

Seriously,all of us have been friends since freshmen,we found each other in the school,of course,Aika,Carry,and I are bookworms we like WATTPAD so much we couldn't live without it,we three were the really close ones,while the guyz were also close to each other before,too,Cyruz and I were bestfriends,Red was my crush BEFORE,and Kuya Rein was close to Red that's why Kuya got to us,and also,our favorite hangout place was the Internet Cafe,really,we were all addicts to internet,that's the first thing we had in common

Red's car started,all of us were in it,I took shotgun,his car was like a van,before every one teased him about it coz,you know why a van instead of cool sports car-like design,but he didn't mind them cause he wants the gang to be together,isn't he a great friend?

Before we knew it we were in front of school,sadly,we don't have the same schedules,but we decided to hang out at lunch at the cafeteria and also after school for a simple get together,but Aika,carry and i are together for our first period,I'll be with Red and Rein for second period,3rd period with Joey and Cyruz,and for the last period we were all in the same class!!..Woohoo !!

First and Second period past like a blur..seriously,we all did first things stuff,come on were Seniors people,SENIORS,of course we knew each other,like,where they even thinking?


Yehey it's lunch time!,woohoo!,gang time,okay we are not gangsters but we call ourselves gang,we were at our usual lunch table,and as usual it was crowded with girls because of Red and Rein,they were the two hottest guyz in school,the gang got used to it anyway

"Get out of there will you",the girl said

"No,sorry whoever you are,seats taken",I said,she pulled me,she literally pulled me,I fell down the chair I stood up and shouted

"What the hell is wrong with you!,clearly you see that the seat is taken but you dragged me and let me fall,I mean,come on!,people really don't have respect these days,GEEZ,will you just leave this table",I was so red,anger got the best of me,"And never come back EVER AGAIN",the girl got speechless,she just stood up and went yo another random table

"Whoah,little sis chill!",Rein said,Rein and i are like siblings but clearly we are not

"Anger got the best of her again and also,she's like gonna blow up",the gang is used to the redness of my face when I laughed so hard or I got so angry,or when I blush,Aika gave me water

"Thank you",I said,I noticed the table was not crowded

"They were really scared",Cyruz and Joey said simuntaneously

Everything on the first day was so simple before I knew it,we were on Red's car going home,we bought cake and softdrinks and also dvd's,this is gonna be awesome...

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