Chapter 7

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Jade's POV

"Have you heard there's a new transferee",thats the first thing I heard when I arrived school,and I am starting to get curious about this,I wonder who?

I was heading to class with Aika and Carry,we we're chit-chatting about who the transferee would be

"Good Morning,class",Mr.Fernando greeted us,"I know that you've heard about the new transferee,and she'll be joining us,and from talking to her I've heard that she does know 7 people that are from here and she has been here before,she went here fot Freshman year"

OMG!!I can't believe she's back!!Omygosh!!.I missed her so much

"Can you come here in front and introduce yourself,Ms.Sangster"

OMYGEEEE!!It is her!!,I saw a familiar silhouette at the door,she wwnt inside and introduced herself

"Hello everyone",she greeted cheerfully,"I am Anne Sangster,as Mr.Fernandez said,I know 7 people on this campus and those are,Red,Rein,Joey,Cyruz,Carry,Aika and specially Jade"

"Thank you Ms.Sangster,you may now take your seat",then she sat beside me

"Anne!",I said-half shouting,half whispering-,"I can't believe your back!",I exclaimed

"I finally had mom to say yes to me,and SURPRISE",she said

"OMG,the guyz are gonna be so happy to see you,welcome home Anne",I greeted her

Anne was part of the gang,she was the really bubbly and cheerful one,when the gang had a misunderstanding she was always there to fix it,I wonder if the gang would be here if it she wasn't part of it,she reallt lived here begore,with us,but her mom decided to have her go to Singapore,so they can have time together,we had no choice but to let her go,then now she's back..I smell another party coming up


I packed my things and dragged Aika,Carry, and Anne along with me to the lunch table

"Still the usual,huh?",she said refereing to the table

"Of course",Aika responded,"Its where our friendship blossomed and we should stay with it",she explained

"And besides,we we're really waiting for you to come back",Carry said

"Oh!,the boys are there already!",I exclaimed

"YOW!",I greeted them,"Look who'se back!",I said pointing at Anne

"Anne!",they yelled excited

"Your finally back",Rein said

"We've been waiting for you",Red said

"Welcome back!".Cyruz said

"How are you?",Joey asled

"Since the gang is complete",I interrupted them

"Why don't",Aika said

"We go party after class",Carry said,completing the sentence

"Great idea",Anne said agreeing

Everything passed by in a blur,I was too busy thinking about Anne's 'Welcome Party',I decided we just go to a bar and drunken ourseleves out,but that would be bad cause tomorrow's a school day,then I just setted on in a pool party,overnight pool party

In no time we we're all ready,packed up with our things and ready to go

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