Chapter 2

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"Guyz,FASTER,I wanna watch it now!..i never watched this movie before and they say it's so awesome,so Red,PLEASE HURRY UP!",okay I'm crazy about watching "The Notebook",I NEED TO WATCH IT NOW !!,I'm the only one in the gang who hasn't watched it before

"Jade just chill down okay?",Red said

"Yeah,little sis,your gonna watch it soon",Rein said

"Just chill,girl",Aika said

"How many times have I told you not to call me GIRL?,it sounds so stupid",I said

"50th tome now",Joey and Carry said

"No,53rd",Cyruz said

"If your gonna start a fight,you might just wanna stop talking or else",I said,okay i admit I'm short tempered but it's not my fault,I really just hated the idea of waiting,really

"Oh,oh,she's turning red the three of you shut up before the car blows up",Rein said,half-laughing when he said it

"Kuya,just shut up okay,and Red just drive",I am getting impatient here,"And FAST",I add

Okay he drove fast..REALLY FAST !.."When I said drive fast I meant not to kill us!..shisshh dud..common sense,please?",I said

Finally,after what felt like an hour!,we arrived,I hurridly went to our room,okay,Carry,Aika and I have the same room,while the guyz gat the other room,I dressed on my pj's,I went down the stairs and quickly sat down the floor,I prefer the floor to sit down to,Red sat beside me,Rein was at his side,and to Kuya's side was Cyruz and to my left is Aika and Carry

"Joey,where's the popcorn?",I said

"Coming!",he simply replied

"Good",I stood up to get the dvd,yess!!..for the first time I'm gonna watch The Notebook!,Joey arrived,I sat down as the movie played

After 2 hours

"Where's the tissue?",I said sobbing

"Here",Aika said,also sobbing

Okay the three of us,Carry,Aika,Me,were sobbing,my head was on the shoulder of Red,and my eyes are so puffy and red,and I can't get over the movie

"Dud's,you are O.A",Rein said

"Shut up,stop ruining our moment,I only cry this hard when I see a really sad movie,and it is also worth crying for",I said

"Yeah,Rein",Red said,"And besides,I've never seen those three brave girls cry so hard like that",he is totally laughing,I hate it when these guyz make fun of us,"You three should really watch your faces in the mirror",the three of us got up,besides the movie was done they were showing the credits,"You guyz take care of the living room",I said,"Yeah,sure",they replied

At the room,we had a lityle chit-chat,then I heard Rein shouting,"Hey,girls,you should really see this",before we went down we looked at each other and hurridly went to the stairs,when we arrived we saw Rein taking pictures of Joey sleeping

"Okay,FACEBOOK!",Aika said

"Yeah,look at..hahah..his..hahah..FACE!",I said,I was so red because of laughing,okay Rein might be older but he's so immature

"When Joey wakes up,all of you are dead",Carry said

"Loosen up,Carry,have fun for a bit",Red said

"I'm going upstairs,just tell me when your done,posting those stuff you took",and with that Carry went up

"Guyz,seriously we should stop this,Aika,let's go",Aika and I went upstairs

After a few minutes Rein,Red and Cyruz got tired so they decided to sleep,but their room was so noisy,I had no choice but to get up and open their room,"Will you guyz shut up!,it's the middle of the night,your 16 not 6,and Kuya you should be the one responsible,for god's sake your 17 not 5!",I said yelling,they are so immature,sometimes I think that even if I'm the youngest here I'm the mature one.."Ughh,you boys stop or you can never sleep",with that I went out of their room,and slept.


tell me if I should continue it..tnx :)


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