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Name: Nazurin(na•uzu•rin)

Gander: male

Race: dragon( haxxus)

Age: physical years 24, actual 1432 million years

Abilities: can change forms, super strength, very agile, can spit poison, can hide dragon-tic on it features( horns, wings, tails, scales, eyes, etc.), magic ( fire, moon/ water, shadow & Desert/ sand)

Forms: four forms.
child form: Short White hair, sky blue eyes, Golden bronze skin color. Height:4'1

adult form: Long White hair, sky blue eyes, Golden bronze skin color.Height:6

humanoid form: Long White hair with feathers going through the hair, horns the same as the dragon form,golden and light gray tents at the bottom of the hair. Silver eyes with blue tint with a slit in the middle.Feathered wings on the back and a pair of tails with feathers on the tips. Golden bronze skin color with silver markings wrapping around the arms, torso and legs. Height:6'4

Dragon form: White scales with golden and light gray tents under the eyes,on the feet and on the tip of the nose. silver eyes with blue tent with a slit in the middle. Three pairs of horns curling from the base of the forehead. One pair going back, another pair curling down and under the ears, and the last weaving over the first and under the Second. feathers going from the head down to the base of the neck. the tip of the tails covered in feathers.the feathers in the head having strips of color going through them. Beautiful big white wings covered in feathers. Feathers that glow in the moonlight. Height:8 1/2 stories

Personality: sweet, caring, scary when angry or annoyed , deadly, knowledgeable, fighter, adorable, lovable, fun loving, can be short tempered at times.

Likes: his snakes, sweets, food, Sleep,cards, things that are interesting, fighting, quiet, weapons maintenance, forgery, crafting, fun, night time.

Dislike: being woken up, annoying people, talkative people, being tricked, someone taking his snakes, someone taking his sweets or food, Gross stuff, dirt and/or blood under his scales, bright lights.

Nen: Not yet

Backstory: I was born in a desolate desert almost completely alone aside from my mother and sister. My father died before I was born. I was born a Hexxus dragon or a death dragon depending on your knowledge of dragons. Hexxus dragons are a type of desert dragon. They said their skills very rarely seen. They're a type of dragon that feed from moonlight. They are called death dragons because they can make familiars out of the souls of the animals.

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