Hunter exam phase 1

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I was working as a mercenary, doing a job, when I heard about the hunter exam. So, I tormented the information out of my target.

I finally made it to Zaben city, where the hunter exam was taking place. And, I got lost in the city and got hungry.  So, I walked into a run-down restaurant. "Hi. Can I have a steak combo?" I said.

"Sure, how would you like it?" replied the cook.

"Grilled on low heat until fully cooked ."

He smiled and pointed to the room behind me saying, "back there."

I walked into the room he pointed at. The door closed behind me, and then the whole room started moving downward. "You have to be sh!ting me!" I yelled. When I got to the bottom, I was quite upset. After searching for several hours, I just stumbled upon the exam site.  I was greeted by a green creature, I asked " can I please, get the food from the password."

"You actually wanted that?" I nodded. "Fine, I will get your food. Here is your badge. I'm bean by the way" bean said handing me, my badge numbered 337. Five minutes later, bean came back with my food.

"Thank you, bean" I said.

Bean replied " you're welcome."

I eat my food in peace in a corner of the room all alone. When I was done, I put my plates back on the cart. Then, took a short nap. A few minutes later, I was woken up rudely by a man called Tompa.

He offered me something to drink. I opened the can and smelled laxatives. So, I grabbed him by the collar,  opened his mouth, and poured it down his throat.  "Leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep. Try this again with me, and I will break your bones." And then, I went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I heard a man screaming, his arms were turning to petals. A jester with an unhappy look on his face said "you should really apologize when you bump into someone." The people around me, whispered he's had it again, number 44, Hisoka. He is interesting I thought. I walk towards his direction.

" hello there, who might you be~" I say with a graining.

" my name is hisoka, I'm a magician" he said putting his hand on his hip looking down at me. He probably thinks I'm a child because I'm still my child form. It's quite funny how easy humans are to trick.

I couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing " ha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah, sorry the expression you were making was so funny. I couldn't help but laugh. So do you wanna be friends, my name is Nazurin" I say with a Cheshire grin.

Then alarm sounded through the hall, and door opened and a man with no mouth came out and said "please follow me to the second phase." And begin walking down the hall. Some of the other participants asked "second phase what happened to the first phase." To which he answered "that I am the examiner for the first phase, Satotz, please follow me to the second phase is exam site." We all proceeded to follow him but as time went on he went faster and faster. Easily in my child form running next to hisoka, later a guy covered in pens began running next to us.

I asked "what's your name you, seem interesting, my name is Nazurin." I smile I'll add him despite his weird looks he's very interesting, though I sense his hiding his real form.

To which he replied " Gittarackur."

" that's a cool name though I guess it's not your real one, still cool" he breaks out into a sweat when I say that.

I saw some other kids running ahead and I decided to catch up. So I start running faster at TopSpeed, I catch up to them in a few minutes, startling both of them.

I say " hi, my name is Nazurin. What's yours?"

The white heard one said "my name is Kailua", and the black haired one said, " my name is gon."

"it's nice to meet you" I say. I sensed the white haired child doesn't fully trust me. The black haired child seemed, trust me at least a little bit more than the white haired child. I smiled and said "do you wanna have a race to the top of the stairs."

Both replied in unison "you're so on." Both children and I started running at full speed into the top of the stairs passing several contestants when the examiner at  the top of the stairs he was startled on by the three of us running past him. We started arguing on who passed him first then we asked "him which of us passed first?"and he said " I believe the three of you passed simultaneously."

I asked "is this the site for the second phase." He replied "no there's still quite a ways to go." I say "OK" and wait for the other participants. After 30 minutes the tunnel began to close, only one was left in the tunnel when it finally closed.

"This area is known as swindlers swap, because the inhabitants tend to like human flesh, and use deception to achieve it, so unless you feel like being deceived stick close" The examiner said in warning.

I heard a man creeping closer dragging something late. He came out and said "he's lying I am the real examiner," and test the light weight object out, a man faced ape. "This is a man faced ape, it lives here. They love the taste of human flesh but are too weak to get it under normal means." suddenly nine cards came flying out of nowhere three at the examiner, three at the fake, and 3 at me. I cut mine and threw them back the direction they came from, I didn't expect the jester to be the one who threw them, though he does have bloodlust radiating off of him. The examiner also caught his, but the fake had the three cards stabbed all over his body. The not so dead man-faced ape got up and ran away, before he got away I threw a knife and it's back. "That proves it you're the real examiner" Hisoka said.The examiner said to the jester "if you attack an examiner again you will be disqualified." I smile and giggle and under my breath at that"now if you please follow me."

With that we began running again. We ran for quite a while, I got up to his supper again, and asked him why he threw his cards at me. To which he replied he wanted to see how strong I was, he shattered at the thought of fighting me. This went on for a while and we kept talking after a little bit a bunch of men and called Hisoka off I followed, because I was bored. They surrounded him and then challenged him to a fight. I knew all of these men were dead meats. So I just sat back and watched.

A little while late gon's friends ran away. The stupider of the two ran back with a stick. And attempted to hit Hisoka. Hisoka punched him. Gon came out of the bushes and hit hisoka in the head with his fishing pole. Gon and him fight for a little, then hisoka got his hand around gon neck. I decided it was time I stepped in. I yelled " let him go or I will make you." The jester Didn't let go. I walked up to him and punched him in the gut, he went flying in a good few feet away from gon.

Then he said "we all pass. I'm assuming you can all find your way back." Then got a call on his phone. And he walked away with gon friend Intoe. We caught up to Kailua, then gon tracked his friends Cologne. We found our way back to the examiner. Gon found his friends. And I went over to hisoka and Gittarakur. The door way opened to the second phase.

To be continued...

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