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* disclaimer I do not own Hunter X Hunter or media or any art that I do not claim as mine thank you and enjoy*

I'm wandering the deserts of my birth. With my mother and sister. I am a dragon born of heat and sand. creature born of the deserts & moonlight. My species specifically has the ability to make familiars out of willing animal souls. I feed from moonlight, And absorbed it into my feathers in my body it makes it energy though I still need to hunt my own food, which is mostly giant snakes, or wild Desert game.

Three years before I turned 1000 my mother and sister were caught by hunters both were killed. If you hundred years later I mustered my courage and decided to venture into human territory. I knew it was dangerous but I was bored out of my skull with no one to talk to.

I spent a few years learning about human culture by watching them. When I got in the human territory I decided to become a mercenary. It was easy money and I didn't really have to work at it, I could stay quiet and do my job. Considering the dragons nature is violence, it worked out. Later on I grew bored of that life, I was thinking about starting a new adventure.

A few months later I adopted two snakes, one a black mamba I named Key and the second a desert python I named Null. The two of them are usually hidden under my clothes and only wake up when I'm in incredible danger.

Just before my last job, I heard about a hunter exam and I figured it be interesting.

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