Hunter exam phase 2&3

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    All of the participants walking into the door way, you were greeted with a side of several of cooking areas, I think that's what they're called. Two examiners walked in; one a human female, Menchi, the other a large male human, Buhara,I think. One of the participants insulted the examiners by calling gourmet hunters weak. The examiners made this phase a little harder than originally intended.

    Our challenge, was cooking. We were allowed to use any species a pig in the forest. I want up to Gittarackur and I asked "can I tag along with you." He nodded, yes. I grabbed his hand and started walking into the forest following the sound of heavy set of footsteps of pigs. After about 15 minutes we found some. They were chewing on bones; the pigs were carnivores. After a few minutes of observing them I realize their weak spot that was their head. I grabbed Gittarackur hand and jumped into one of the trees. And waited for an opportunity. It wasn't long before another participant attracted their attention and they started running towards them right underneath us. I waited for a moment and then jumped down and hit the head hard. I heard a loud crack.

    I waited for him to do the same and I didn't have to wait long. I grabbed both pigs by the snout instead of dragging them back.

    Once we got back to our stations, I started skinning the pig and removed the organs and bones. Chopped up wild vegetables I found in the forest on our way back. Then chopped up the leftover meat into pieces, put the vegetables and pieces into a pot I poured in a little bit of water and some sour leaf. And let it cook for 30 minutes. Then I plated it. And presented it to the examiners. At least both of them tried it but I still failed.

    And then all of the participants failed this exam. Eventually the chairman dropped out of oven air balloon and then onto the ground and scolded the female human, for failing all the participants. Then she asked the chairman to take us to split mountain.

    We finally made it to the next phase after an hour and a half of waiting. Mount half split known for the up draft and spider eagle eggs also known as dreaming egg.

    The female human showed us how to get the eggs. I do the same but there is no updraft are use my twin tails, I swing upward and using shadow magic to conceal them. And I make it to the top I place it into the boiler when everybody else has theirs. Once we all ate our dream eggs we made our way back to the airship. And wait for the next phase.

~Phase 3~
    Gon and Kilua explored The airship. I got food and then disappeared into the room I was staying in. It just so happened Hisoka & Gittarackur, were also staying in that room and there is only one bed. In the end we all agreed just to share the bed. I slept in the middle of both of them all toasty and warm. It's one of the best sleep I've ever had. While I was asleep my two snakes slither out of their hiding places and when we woke up but Hisoka & Gittarackur, they're very startled by the two snakes. I gave them some food and they curled back underneath my clothes.

    Two hours before we land at the tower, the three of us went to get breakfast after showering. We sat down at our table. While we ate someone's snuck up behind me and took my croissant. I got very angry at this and threw knifes at them until they gave me my croissant back.

    My two companions were very startled at the sudden change in attitude. When I saw their faces, I laughed so hard inside. I had a feeling they noted to themselves never to take my food.

    It was a giant tower and they were supposed to get down to the bottom of the tower within 72 hours. When I stepped on the tower I realize that certain parts of it were hollow. I was walking around and found one of those certain parts, I tripped and fell face first into this part. I fell headfirst down toward the ground. My instincts kicked in when I was a few feet from the ground and I flipped mid-air landed on my feet. In this room were Hisoka and Gittarackur. In the front of the room there were three bracelets. A speaker in the corner of the room told us to put the bracelets on.

Then the speaker said, "Take on your true forms. Both of you." I thought oh shit. Gittarackur went first.

I asked, "Are you really going to make me do this?" The speaker replied, "Yes." again I ask "Do I really have to do this?" The speaker yelled "Yes, or you will not pass the exam!" To which I replied "Fine but don't blame me if they freak out."

"Do either of you have anything I can tie my hair back with?" I asked. Gittarackur said "I have some pins you can use."I sigh. Than, take deep breath and focused on my internal energy. Imagine my body going from my child form to my adult form. Where once a child stood now a fully grown adult. I pulled my hair back with a few of the pins.

Both of my companions were very, very shocked at my sudden change. They both asked at the same time, "Were you an adult this entire time?" To which I replied "Definitely." Then Gittarackur told me to call him in his current form Illumi. He told me this I walked over and hugged him.

Hisoka asked "So, how old are you?" To which I replied "Twenty-four." Hisoka and Illumi smiled at this. I asked "Why do you want to know?" He told me "Because you are legal~."

I asked "Are you happy now, mister examiner?" To which the examiner replied "No. I meant you're a real form, not just your adult form." I put my hands behind my head and whisp the shadow magic around me away. I feel my horns grow back in, and my two tails start to show. I feel my wings open and my scales glitter. I feel my eyes shift and my hair become that of feathers. My clothes shift to accommodate my features.

Both of them asked at same time "What are you." To which I replied "I'm a desert dragon." I smile at their expressions. I asked the examiner once again, "Are you happy now? If so, may we pass?" The door opens and then we were allowed to pass.

The rules are simple for this hallway: kill everyone who enters and who isn't my companions. I told Hisoka and Illumi "I will handle this," grabbed at the twin hilts of my swords, and as people started walking out towards me tried to kill me, I sliced their heads off one by one until there was nothing but a bloody mess left behind. The door opened and we continued. To open this door the examiner told me I had to kiss both Hisoka & Illumi, so that is exactly what I did. Both of them were blushing quite heavily. I found it rather adorable, despite one of them having a very much lacking in emotions. It was sooo cute! I walked over and hugged both of them, which made Hisoka blush so much harder.

The next round was puzzles. To be more specific, it was riddles. Hisoka and I had an easy time doing this. Illumi, on the other hand, had a bit of trouble.

Then an arm wrestling. Illumi had a lotta fun doing this one, and he won every single round. None of the prisoners could beat him. I gave him a pat on the head at each time he won a round, and at the end I gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

And then a card game. The card game was poker. Hisoka had a lot of fun with this. He won almost all of the card games except one. When it was over I gave him a kiss on the cheek it as well. I thought it was so cute when he blushed.

And the last door Hisoka & Illumi had to kiss me instead of the other way around. And then the end I wound up being the one who is blushing because they were so adorable! We won each of our rooms and it was fun.

We were the first ones at the bottom of the tower. The three of us a grown quite comfortable with one another. When we got through to the bottom of the tower, I hid my features, changed back into my child form, and gave Illumi back his pins. We spent the remainder of the time sleeping or playing cards. Just the three of us right next to each other. I usually wind up sleeping on either one of their laps, and the other sleeping on mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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