ᑭᗩᖇT 11 ⚠️

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In the shared room

"Jaeguk why did you lie?!" Chimo said, worried.

"Im sorry. I just dont want you to be in trouble, you know how dad is when it comes to you being in trouble. He gives off pervert feeling & its so disgusting." Jaeguk explained.

"Oh. Although i still dont want you to be the blamed one over and over."

They stared at each other eyes for awhile until somebody talked.

"Uh guys?" As Yuki wakes up from sleeping, still half eyes opened.

"Why are you guys so close into each other?" Yuki suspects but Chimo and Jaeguk didnt even notice their faces were so close to each other.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry, I kinda lost track while staring too long." As Chimo pushed jaeguk away in embarrassment that one of their brothers caught them.
Jaeguk still blushed backing away and Yuki noticed it & raised one eyebrow out in curiousity.

Jaeguk's POV

Aishh..so embarrassing that Yuki caught me staring too long and i feel like almost all my brothers will notice it too. I just cant handle my feelings towards Chimo. He went silent for a moment then realized. Wait what? What the heck am i even saying?! Chimo was right, i cant keep saying those words. Itll make it more weird since his my brother and thats all. Oh man- I really need to knock it off and stop thinking about him in that way.

Back to author POV

As Jaeguk was thinking deeply in his head, he did not notice Yuki calling out for him.


No answer.

"Jaeguk? Hello??"

Still no answer.
Yuki then approached him & pat his shoulders and it made him flinch. Looks like he was too deep into his thought that he forgot everything in reality.

"Ah sorry, Yuki. I was in my thoughts for too long, so anyways. What did you need?"

"Whats with the blush all the time around Chimo?" After Yuki said that, the other members were half way awake & all heard it.

"Um. Its nothing, i just get nervous around him being cute alright? Really i just cant handle his cuteness. Plus you know already, im not into cute stuff but when he does it. I get shy, Yuki im not lying." Jaeguk made an excuse up.

"Okay then, makes sense since i also get shy around him being all cute." Yuki giggled and accepted Jaeguks suspesion but Jaeguk got jealous of Yuki for saying how cute Chimo was. He wanted only himself to call Chimo cute but that wasnt his choice because those were his brothers & he wont disrespect them. His been living them almost all his life, so it wasnt a big deal for him.

"What are you guys doing at 5am?" Hysuk & John woke up saying.

"its already 5am? Wow that went fast." Chimo said.

"And about what we were doing.. well me and Chimo wanted to get fresh air early in the morning so we went outside our garden with our black blankets which made dad worry thinking someone broke in the house. Then he got mad at us for not telling him which we never knew he wss awake in the first place, afterwards he starting smirking us weirdly.....again." Jaeguk said.

"Not again." John frowned.

"I know right, whats up with dad?! Its so weird it makes us so uncomfortable." Hysuk added.

"Why dont you guys just tell him." Vickson suddently woke up after hearing what happened with Jaeguk & Chimo.

"Yeah, Vicky has a point. Why dont we be strong for once and tell him why the fuck does he keep creeping on us. Especially towards Jaeguk & Chimo." Jin as well woke up saying.

They all ended up agreeing on that plan but Jaeguk wanted to say it to him because no matter if he gets in trouble with his dad, he still loves his brother and doesnt want anything to happen for him even though Jaeguk is not supposed to be guilty, he has a soft spot for his siblings.

Breakfest time

Both King and the queen were sitting in the table for breakfest while the brothers sat on the other side of them just eating.


"Yes Jaeguk."

"I need to ask an important question and i need a truthful answer to it.

The king noticed the angery look on Jaeguk so he played along.

"And what is that." He started teasing and the queen noticed but for some odd reason she couldnt tell him to stop because of his short temper she didnt wanna make it worse so she kept eating face down without talking.

"Why do you keep smirking at me and Chimo super weirdly to the point where your looking like a pervert" That last word slipped out of his mouth because of how angery he was. But it got worse when he saw his dad stop eating and glaring at him with furious face.

His dad started to move out of his chair and come towards Jaeguk until Chimo stepped in and stopped him.

"Please dad stop! Dont hurt Jaeguk, we- I mean he just wanted an answer not attacking." Chimo said concerned.

His dad ignored him and tried pushing Chimo away when the other brothers tried to help but as they saw their dads eyes. They got scared, they couldnt move because of feared they were. He really was creepy to them so they starting whispering to Chimo to stop now before it gets worse.

"No dad please stop pushing! DONT YOU REALIZE HOW FUCKING CREEPY IT IS TO STARE AT US LIKE TH-" And before he fininshed his words. He got slapped. Really hard in the face, and fell down on his knees.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Jaeguk trying pushing him away from Chimo but sadly the King was too strong.

The queen and the brothers started crying silently, they wish they could be strong and stop this.

The king pushed Jaeguk out of his way, really hard in his stomach which made him cough from the pain.
He then grabbed Chimos wrist and pulled him to one of his secret rooms with a lock on.
Jaeguk tried to move but he was hurting badly.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HIM! GAVE CHIMO BACK, YOU CREEPY BITCH." Jaeguk yelled but the queen stopped him and said.

"Jaeguk! No more. Enough swearing or else he will go further with Chimo." She was trying to help so the King wouldnt hear her.

"What do you mean by futher?!? M-mom?? What is he gonna do? Answer me dammit." He was so worried he started overthinking.

Chimo POV

I couldnt see well because of him dragging me into a room. I felt blurry and my cheeck was so red from that slap, it hurt so much. I was crying but i knew for sure i cant look weak infront of him or he will take over me and im scared of that. As we entered the room, he locked the door and pushed me towards a bed. Oh no- this was starting to creep me out even more, im having multiple thoughts of whar will he do to me. Please someone help me, what did i do ti deserve this? After all this is what Jaeguk goes through every time he gets in trouble then after he gets out of the room he wouldnt dare to tell us what happened. I fear of what i will face with this fucking pedophile.

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