Chapter 1

47 3 8

Logans p.o.v.



"SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD DAMN SOME PEOPLE LIKE SLEEP!!" I screamed at my alarm clock.

"LOGAN! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE WE DO HAVE LITTLE EARS IN THE HOUSE!!!" Oops.. Hahaha #sorrynotsorry, I got up put my usual makeup on and threw my outfit on for today (stuff on the side). I ran down stairs and saw my little Brother and sister fighting over the nutella so they could put it on they're waffles.

   "Siissssyyyyy, Miwa won't give me the fucking Nutella!!" Adam came up and said to me....

    " Adam!! That's a naughty word don't say it EXPESCIALLY around mom, OK?" I said to him as serious as possible cause I was trying not to laugh at what he said.

   " OK, but can you at least have Miwa share the Nutellla" He asked

   "Mia share the Nutella? Please?" I asked in a nice voice.

       " I guess..... " she whined I just laughed at her and ate my breakfast. I checked my phone and I was running late!!! Shitttt!

" BYE MOM, ADAM, MIA, LOVE YOUUUUU!!" I yelled while grabbing my long board and running out of the house. Wilmington High school (made up) was only a block away and I was skating as fast as I could then I knocked into somebody and fell head first into the cement. Well fuck my life at this moment. I looked over and saw it was the one and only Cameron Dallas. Him and Aaron Carpenter were the only two single out of the whole popular group.. Just my luck he was one of the only ones who liked me.

  Suddenly I felt light headed and felt stuff coming down my forehead... Blood. Then I started seeing black dots and I was out cold.

     Cameron's P.O.V.

  Somebody just knocked into me pretty hard, we both fell but the person hit they're head pretty hard.. I looked over at the person who was already looking at me with wide eyes. I then realized it was Logan.. She was on of the prettyest girls in the school, but girls made fun of her for it especially Skylar and her little group. It was Skylar, Ashley, Anna, and Savannah.

Skylar and Taylor were together, Ashley and Nash were together, Anna and Carter were together, and Savannah and Brent were together. I snapped out of my thinking and looked back at Logan to see she had blood going down her forehead I was in shock then she blacked out. I called for an ambulance.

* At the hospital, Cameron's P.O.V. still*

     The docter came out to ask me a few questions.

( d= doctor C= Cam)

D~ What us the patients name?

C~ Logan Westfield

D~ Where does she live?

C~ 2885 Angeles drive

D~ what is your relation with Ms. Westfield?

C~ umm she's my girlfriend?

D~ OK? Well I'm going to go and contact her mother.

About 10 minutes later Logans mom came in and sat next to me.  I told her what happened and she mumbled something under her breath. Why in the hell did I say she was my girlfriend?!? Because you like her Dallas....

Did I like Westfield??? I snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor came through the doors with Logan in a wheel chair... Me and her mom ran up to her.

" Logan, you are never skating again!! You had me worried sick!!!" Her mom cried.

  She chuckled then looked at me confused.    " Are you OK? And what are you still doing here??" She asked

  " feeling the love Westfield, and yeah I'm perfect but are you the one OK?"

    " Don't call me Westfield, Dallas. And yeah I'm fabtabulas, mom can we go now I wanna see Adam and Mia... Wait why aren't they here?" She asked.

    " I left them with the neighbors. And yeah we can, Cameron do you wanna come with us, I know Logan would like that. " she said with the biggest smile trying not to laugh. I looked over at Logan which is shooting daggers at her mom.

      " Yeah sure why not?" I looked over at Logan and winked at her she was turning red. I was trying to control my laughter.

   We got into the car and her mom was just asking normal questions....

  " so are you and my daughter dating??" She said.... Why this question why

" no we're not ms. Logans mom." I said while looking out the window

    " that's not what you told the doctors." Logan said with the biggest smirk.




First chapter is finished guys!!! XD, but yeah tell me what you think in the comments below!! And also sorry if you don't like the cussing that's just who I am!!

See you soon

~ Bayzee

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