My Air Given To Me By A Pair Of Wings

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Dear you with the irreplaceable and dazzling smile of yours,

Sometimes it's just so hard to find love in this world and that's why we need each other. Even though I'm not there with you, I'm still able to send and give you my love because there is no limit to mine, yours, and our love. I think sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. You may not be able to see the love I have sent because my love is the kind you have to see with your heart. You know love is not a graspable and tangible thing you can hold in your hand, it's more like the invisible hand keeping your heart warm.

Sincerely Yours,

A smile was painted across his face and only grew as he read to the very end of the note.

Love. The word ending the very heart-felt message he just read. When the young man opened his door this morning, he was greeted by the sight of a lovely care package. The heart-shaped balloon originally attached to the basket, now was hovering lowly over the floor. In his hand was the message that once was nestled in the basket among the sweet flowers, candy, and a small letter set. He looked back at the letter to only smile again.

Grabbing the envelope off his bed, a small photo slipped out when the envelope was jostled out of its resting place. The backside of the photo lied face up on the floor, the same flowery handwriting from the letter was printed nicely on the photo's back. 

As he bent down to pick up the photo, he was interrupted by a ghostly hand. He raised his eyes up to be greeted by the sight of the faint ghost of his friend standing before him. The ghost's frame flickered in the light that filtered from the young man's window. A smile glowed from the ghostly friend's face with a slight ting of sadness dripping from his eyes. The ghostly friend that stood there silently was a young man named Sora. He looked to be twenty-one when really if he was still alive, he would currently be twenty-four. 

Curious to see what the picture was of, he the young man walked towards the silent figure. The first thing he noticed about the image was the vibrant smile of her face, then the next reaction that overcame him was the shock of seeing a huge resemblance between the young woman and Sora and a sudden realization went through his mind.

Sora looked at his very much alive friend and the words softly flowed from his cold lips, "I miss her. My baby sister. I want to go see Aimi." The young man could see that there was an array of emotions swirling in those sky blue eyes, but the most prominent emotion that stuck among the others was the feeling of love. An undying love towards his younger sister.

The young man stood before the apartment door with the photo in hand. The face of the young woman looking at him with a smile. Smiling he turned the photo to see the note on the back. At the end of the note, printed neatly was her address and name. Now he stood before this very address he read. Tentatively he knocked on the door and what felt like years was merely seconds when he heard the soft pitter patter of footsteps and then the turning of the knob. Before him stood the young beauty from the photo, he extended out his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Tsubasa. It's nice to finally meet you."

It has been thirty minutes since I met Tsubasa and started talking with him. We ended walking to a park and once we arrived we slowly gravitated towards an unoccupied bench and we both slowly sat down. A soft-spoken and gentle silence blanketed over us as we sat there quietly and observed the families enjoying their day.

Slowly coming out of our silent haze, Tsubasa started talking again, but then he just trailed off from the beginning of his sentence and let it hang over us. I realized from the moment I saw him, he felt so familiar and I was wondering if this was the time when the unspoken will be said. I turned my head to look at him, Tsubasa must of felt my gaze because he turned to stare at me. 

Hesitantly he continued on. "Well you see, it must be fate, no more like our hearts' longing that we have met today. You see, I've knew who you were for awhile. I just never had the nerve to visit you. I guess I may appear familiar to you. Well because." He slowly turned his head so he had a clear view of the blue sky. He just left me hanging there again. 

I sighed and turned my face upon towards the sky as well. The sky always reminded me of a love that I have lost three years ago. Before nostalgia drowned me back into the past, Tsubasa started to speak again and his words interrupted the clouds in my mind.

"Sora means sky in Japanese." I was not expecting this to be said and snapped my attention towards him. Without a glance, he continued on from his pause. "Your name means beautiful love and mine means wings. You see, like you said in your letter 'the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.' You never could see where your letter was going; however, deep down, your heart knew. Your love needed a pair of wings in the sky and your heart guided it to find me." It was then he glanced at me with a smile on his face, yet there was a hint of sadness when he stared at me. "Aimi, I was your older brother's best friend from college."

When those words fell from his lip, tears gathered in my eyes. Not the sad kind that I drowned myself in after hearing the news about his death. No, they were the happy kind of tears in finding someone else. No, he wasn't my true love, he was more of a soul friend that I just found. So without thinking I suddenly lunged myself and hugged him tightly to me. I felt the soft drops of tears fall onto my face as I burrowed my head into his neck. We sat there slowly letting the tears fall and slowly dry, Tsubasa then pulled me back and looked me straight into the eyes. 

This time he gives a genuine smile glowed on his face, without a hint of tears. "Aimi. Give me your hand."  I willingly grabbed his hand and when our skins touched, a spark zapped through my system. I suddenly felt a flow of energy running through my veins and connecting me to Tsubasa. He looks at me. "There is someone who wants to meet you. He has been waiting to see you again for three years." 

The faintest idea started to bloom in my head, I was too frightened to left this all feel like a dream if I turned. Sensing my wariness of the matter, he spoke softly to me, "Breathe. It is not a dream." Closing my eyes, I drew in a few deep breaths, then tentatively I opened my eyes and to see that Sora stood before me, looking very much alive, when I knew he was actually buried under the earth.

He slowly reached out for me and surprisingly his fingers didn't pass through me, instead his fingers lightly stroked my cheek. I felt my eyelids flutter close. His soothing touch was dragging me back into the past again. Before I let myself become sucked in, my eyes opened to see him still there. I was met with the eyes of Sora. The very blue eyes I missed dearily.

A smile graced his fallacious youthful face and he said, "Aimi. I'm home."

Still gently holding my hand, Tsubasa squeezed my hand and softly spoke in the background. "You're the love we all needed and you sent some into the sky and I'm the pair of wings that found this wandering love of yours and brought it back home. Into the sky. It all happened by air."

Number of words: 1389

Sincerely Yours, Love (Love Shots Contest)Where stories live. Discover now