Where did Bon Bon go!?

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Freddy and I were hanging out later that day and Ballora came up to us. "soooo~ I hear you and Freddy are together~?" I yell "WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?" I blush "Foxy came up to me, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Told me Freddy cheated? I dont believe it." Ballora mentions "Ok, maybe I did cheat a little, but I was tempted to kiss Bon bon..-" Freddy says. Ballora smiles and covers her mouth "Spicy~" I blush "Ahaha-" Ballora goes to the door "Enjoy your day together boys." She leaves. I look at Freddy "Well, I think im going to sleep now." He lays down and sleeps. "Night Bawn Bawn." Freddy lays down and sleeps as well.

Freddy wakes up in the middle of this night to an audio disturbance "Bon Bon?" Freddy looks around for Bon Bon but can't find him. He burst out the breaking room "WHO TOOK BON BON?!" Freddy looked panicked. Foxy walks up to Freddy "He told me he was leaving... I was so sad I didn't want to wake you and upset you.." Freddy looks like he is about to break into tears "He... he wouldn't do that.. would he?" He covers his face with his hands trying to hide his tears.

Freddy hasn't wanted to talk to people, he would yell at them when they came near him. Freddy has been getting angry, having anger issues Bon Bon would be the one to calm him down, only Bon Bon. If he's mad he will yell and cry unless it was Bon Bon. Freddy was fed up after week of Bon Bon's disappearance, he wanted him back. He walks out of the room "I need to find Bon Bon," he looks around at everyone. "Don't follow me." He leaves alone to look for Bon Bon. Ballora frowns "He's not going to make it a day out there..."

Freddy was determined "I will find Bon Bon again.."

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