Chapter 7 - Flight

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Melody and Ajax followed Jax up the pathway to another green leaf tent. A signpost adorned the top spelling 'Berry Bakery'.

"Is this your family's bakery?" Melody inferred, after reading the name Berry, since Jax's last name was also Berry.

"Yep!" Jax grinned. Melody swore that she'd never encountered such a bubbly kid before. Or any kid for that matter.

"Wait here." said Jax, pointing to the array of cobblestone bordering the tent. "Actually, wait in the heart of the camp, the area with the huge fountain."

"Oh-kay." Melody hesitantly said as she walked back to the heart of the camp before taking a seat on the bricks lining the fountain. She could barely have any lucid thoughts, considering that her eyes were struck by color. The intricate shading of the Pixies' leafy apparel, the lush coloring of the leaf-crafted tents and the delicate stemming flowers, and the golden rays of sunlight peeking through the gaps in the bushes. It was all the opposite of what her 'Life Book' had depicted and taught her.

A while later, Jax hurried back from the bakery with a canvas bag with string as a handle, and leapt from his platform, rocketing into the air as his crimson wings opened. He swerved over, under, and around each tent, zipped through the nooks and crannies, and flew to the utmost height of the bush, where a small, thin branch dangled, and tied the bag onto it. He then fed Ajax some sort of a golden biscuit which he seemed to love. He licked Jax's hand, probing it for crumbs.

Uh-oh. Melody's stomach plummeted. Was Jax attempting to make her fly by attaching a cupcake, or any other pastry to the branch for her? Apparently everyone else noticed this as they gathered around the heart of the camp, where Melody was seated, soft murmurs rising.

Jax lowered himself to the ground, as he began to look at Melody. "I strung a cupcake for you at the top of the bush, strawberry-almond flavored. It's all yours if you can fly up there and back down."

"Uh," Melody muttered. "I don't think I can-"

"Nonsense!" Jax interrupted.

"I don't think I want anything to eat." said Melody. Her hunger had clawed at her before. Now the feeling was replaced by nausea.

"I like strawberry-almond." Jax replied. "If you don't want it, get it for me, then."

"Why don't you get it yourself, then?" Melody snapped back.

Instead of Jax responding, the whole of the Pixies did, with a ear-shattering chant. Even Ajax's tail began to wag furiously, which he wouldn't do if he sensed that Melody was in danger.

"Melody! Melody! Melody!" hollered the Pixies. It was similar to that of Jax's tale, as the same crowd repeated Jax's name, as his motivation and adrenaline spiked.

Melody tried to resist, but couldn't. A strong feeling shook her, urging her to run, similar to a sugar high, which was what she'd experienced after eating too much dessert back at the mansion. But she drowned her desire. Much to her dismay, it bounced back a second later, Melody's heartbeat instantly rising with every chant. That was it. If Melody resisted any longer, her chest would explode.

Melody took several long steps back from the fountain, the crowd making way for her. She then ran. Ran as fast as she could, and leapt, spreading her dark blue wings, and launched herself into the air. This jump was different from the leaps she'd done at the mansion when she practiced gymnastics. This time, her wings automatically spread. Melody hovered in the air, her wings rapidly fluttering as the Pixies hooted and hollered. But she wasn't done yet. She had to get that cupcake.

Melody darted faster than sound around the bush's border five times to calm herself down, before she fluttered upwards, swerved around, over and under each tent and to the branch, where she untied the bag and flew back down, where the Pixies applauded. But Melody wasn't focused on the applause. She was interested in the cupcake.

Melody reached into the bag and pulled out the cupcake, which smelled both nutty and fruity, by the leafy cupcake liner.

The cupcake had a tan cake base with dark-brown and pink flecks, and a small dollop of baby-pink frosting. Melody plunged the whole thing, wrapper and all, into her mouth and chewed. With each bite, more sweet acidic flavor burst in her mouth, the acid calmed down by the hints of nut and creamy frosting.

Jax chuckled. "You're not supposed to eat the wrapper, silly!"

Too late. Melody swallowed the whole thing as the Pixies laughed. Ajax pranced up and down happily, circling around Melody and licking everyone who petted him. She wasn't embarrassed or offended, but she did laugh along with them.

Melody would definitely use her wings more.

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