Chapter 6

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Oh um hey, i found chapter 6 in my drafts... pahahaha i am so dumb. I go to sleep now. Enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 6

When I opened the front door. I knew that none was at home. It was the quietest it ever has been. It was also a little bit scary. I'm not afraid of beeing alone in a house, I just don't like silence, that's it. I went upstairs in my room and watched a movie on my phone. I got a text message from Nicky. But he had deleted it before I could read it. I actually didn't care, he could say, what he want, as long as I know he is wrong. Yeah that he lied really hurt me... I had to keep a distance to him, so long I need to get over of this crush thing. Operation: end-the-'crush thing' started now!

I sat up, when it knocked at my door. James stepped in and glanced at me with anger. "You made mum cry." I rolled annoyed my eyes. "Oh, did I?" I laughed sarcastic. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "Well, she deserved it." I shrugged and looked back at my phone. James grabbed my phone roughly and smashed it to the wall. I heard how the display broke. "Are you kidding me! You pay that!" I yelled angry and pushed him away. He just ignored me and left my room. "Asshole!" I called after James. I laid down to my bed and just stared at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath to calm myself down. I felt and thought nothing. I was bored, but I hadn't the motivation to stand up, take my phone from the floor or grab me some books to read. I just stared at the ceiling and fell slowly asleep. 

New day, new luck, if I would had set the alarm clock last evening. But I didn't. So I was probably late. Really late. I stood up, put on some clothes, grabbed my bag then I ran as fast I could to school. I arrived for the third lesson. To my happiness I had social study and our weird teacher Mrs. Stefanie was really nice, weird, but nice. I knocked at the door and open it. "I'm sorry, I was sleeping as my alarm rang." the whole class laughed and she just shook her head and continue her lesson, without asking. I sat down to a table in the back, I sat alone, but I didn't care. I was happy to be alone. No one could annoy me. So I just stayed in the back.

Art class, I loved the Tuesday. I looked at my canvas and at the painting I just painted. It was just a blue clear sky with birds on it, but it looked good. I was not the best in painting, but I really enjoyed it. Art class was also with Mrs. Stefanie and I was really happy about this.

I looked around in the class and looked at Mae. She felt that I stared at her and turned around. I smiled and looked back at my painting. "Mrs. Stefanie, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked and went out of the room. 

I looked at the mirror and stared in my face. I didn't look happy or sad, I looked like I has  no feelings. And it was true, I didn't know what I should feel, say r think. And what about that crush thing... I didn't know what to do. I had a crush on him since last grade and I felt that I wouldn't come through this. Someone opened the door and I turned scared around. "Oh, hi Y/N." Dawn smiled weirdly and stood next to me. She looked suspicious in the mirror. "Are you okay?" I asked calmly and she nod, but I saw in her eyes that she lied. "Are you sure?" she nod again, but then she looked at me. "Do you think I am pretty?" I looked worried. "I don't think you're pretty! You are pretty." she smiled sad. "What's wrong?" I asked still worried and she sat down to the floor. "I have just the feeling, that no boy like me." I looked confused at her. "Why do you think that?" I asked and she shrugged and looked sad up to me. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. "I mean, Mae have Miles and you have Nicky." she thought what? I tried not to laugh but I had to. "Sorry, what?" I laughed and she looked confused. "What?" she hissed aggressively but also curious. "You think that Nicky and I..." she cut me of. "Don't lie to me, I see the way how you look at him." I rolled my eyes. "Didn't I explain to you, I don't know what I feel about your stupid brother, but I know that he hate me." Dawn smiled widely. "He don't hate you..." now I cut her of. "Oh yea? And why is he such an asshole to me?" she shrugged and stood up. I looked up to her. "I see how he look at you, he don't look at you, like he would hate you." I blushed a little bit, she just wanted to cheer me up or get my hopes up. Which she also succeeded in doing. 

I stood also up and we looked at each other through the mirror. "How do you know, that he don't look at me like he hate me. Maybe he looks at everyone he hates like that..." Dawn shook her head. "He is my brother, I know him my whole life." I was so red that she realised it. "But you won't that we get in a relationship. So why to you tell me that?" she shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me. "Because you are my friend and I want that you are happy." I smiled cheerful. "And what now?" I asked and Dawn shrugged again. "Should I tell him?" I shook my head hardly. "No, if you do this, you are dead." she rolled her eyes. "Yes I won't." she said and grinned a little bit annoyed. "Dawn!" she smirked badly and I rolled my eyes. "Promise," I said and looked seriously at her. "I promise, but it's not my problem when I say something, when I sleep." I shrugged my shoulders and said: "Well... do not sleep!" we laughed and then rang the school bell.

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