Chapter 9

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Wow! I actually managed to upload a chapter within 24 hours! Respect to myself! I think I deserve applause... just kidding. Anyway... I don't know, have fun reading!

Chapter 9

As I opened the front door and stepped out in the clearly late evening, it was almost dark, I saw that it rained, so I turned back into the house and looked for my rain jacket, but I remembered that I left it in my locker in school. I sighed loudly and looked for the jacket of my mum, but she didn't hang at the coat rack and I won't go in her room. James jacket were still there and he also, but I knew he need the jacket, when he go to a friend. So I turned back and stepped into the hard rain. I just wore a sweater and in less than no time I was wet down to my bones. I sighed and looked into the raining sky. I loved the rain, but today it was definitely to cold for dancing in the rain and I kept walking. Someone bumped me and I was nearly to fall, but I could catch myself before I fell to the ground. "Sorry," this person said and I looked up to her. "No problem," I smiled and then I could make out who's face were under the big hood. "Oh, Nicky." I felt how my cheeks turned red. And here we go again. At this afternoon I didn't mind of the warm feeling in my stomach, but now, I'm cold, completely wet and still a little bit in shock, I couldn't get my feelings and control them neither. It was so awkward quite between us and I had the feeling I have to say something, but I didn't knew what to say, so I smiled at him and kept walking.

I rang at the front door of the Harper-house. Dawn opened and smiled at me. "You're totally wet!" she realized it loudly and I groan loudly. "Oh, really?" I asked sarcastic and Dawn kept smiling. I smiled a bit fake back, but she didn't got it. She looked at my nose, I totally forgot the handkerchief in my nose. "Are you okay." she gave me a worried look. I nodded and kept the fake smile. "Yes I just ran into a lamppost." She giggled like a three year old girl and I laughed. Then she grabbed my by my hand and tugged me into her room. "For our luck, that the school is cancel tomorrow." she grinned and turn the TV on. I looked inspired at her. "I totally forgot that." she turned her head in my direction, I grabbed some clothes of her closet and rubbed me with an towel dry. Then I put the clothes on. Dawn choose an random movie and we watched it.

"That was lame," I commented the movie, it was a romantic story and I always thought these are lame. "Its like your life." Dawn gave me a meaningfully look and I looked confused back. "True, but without the romantic." I said and laid down to her bed. All will be better tomorrow, I thought and looked at the ceiling. I felt how Dawn sat next to me. "Not yet!" she said and giggled again. Oh please life, don't let me ever get to these giggling, annoying girls. I prayded in my head and smiled about this thought. I sat up and looked confused at her. "What do you mean with: not yet?" I asked confused and watched her when she giggled again. I rolled my eyes. "You know... did you saw my stupid brother after our conversation." I raised an eyebrow. "Wich one? You have three of them." she took a short look at me, then she stood up and walked through the room. She sighed loudly. "Nicky, of course!" she hissed and walked back to the bed. I watched her suspicious. "What are you doing?" I asked curious, when she stood up and walked again through the room. "Don't change the subject." she pointed warning at me and I laid again down to her bed. "On the way to your house, I bumped him, or he bumped me, whatever." I told her and waited for her reaction. "In the rain? So romantic." with this optimist she sounded like Sadie, and Sadie annoyed me all the time. I groaned loudly and closed my eyes. "Yes in the rain and it wasn't romantic because I was wet and cold." I felt how she sat back to her bed. "I thought you would tell me, that you kissed him or he you." I shrugged and opened my eyes. "You wish." I said it and stared at the ceiling. "No... you wish." I heard her smile through this sentence. I didn't said something against it, because I knew she were right.

"And what's about you?" I asked grinning and sat up. She gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" she asked still confused and I sighed loudly. "Do you like anyone?" I explained my question and saw her face turning red. "So yes," I thought loudly and Dawn rolled her eyes, but she was still red like a tomato. "Do I know him?" I asked and she shook her head. I looked disappointed at her. "Is he older than you?" now I was really confused, Dawn nodded. "What? How old?" she shrugged. "Oh come on!" I yelled disappointed again. "16..." she finally answered my question and I smiled at her. "That's not much older than you..." she gave me a annoyed look and I smiled. "Whats his name?" she turned to her door and opened it quickly, but there were no one. "Jack..." she answered and turned red again. "James' friend name is also Jack, he is also 16 and..." I whispered to myself and Dawn haven't heard me. "Why do you know him?" Y/N, seriously? Not how do he look like?! I thought. "He bump me," she told me and I stared with open mouth at her. "Bump you? That's it? That's the reason, why you like him?" Dawn shook her head laughing. Was this all a joke? "No, I know him, because he asked for my number, and we text now." I kept staring at her with open mouth. "Since when?" I asked her and closet my mouth. She smiled in love. Please universe, when I ever would look like this, please let a person bump into me or something. I prayed again. "Um... since two weeks, I think." I opened my mouth to say something, but then I let it be. "Do you have a photo of him?" she nodded and showed me the photo. The brown hair, the face, the dark blue eyes... all looked so familiar. "I knew it!" I yelled happy and jump out of the bed, to dance for a second. "What are you doing?" Dawn asked and laughed, because of my dance moves. "That's the friend of my brother." she raised an eyebrow. "Your brother is friends with and 16 year old?" she asked and I nodded and shrugged at the same time.

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