Tracy Reznik - The best of friends

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The mechanic peeked over at what you were tinkering with.

"Oh, thats interesting. Mind if i take a look..?"
She said, poking at the machine you were messing with.

You and tracy instantly clicked when you came to manor.

You both had a passion for machinery, and together you made many great (and sometimes stupid) inventions.

Everyone thought you were dating, and you always waved it off when someone brought it up.

"Sure. I cant get it work, this gear wont turn.."

Tracy examined it, and managed to get it working again.

"Thanks! Youre a genius!" Tracy awkwardly chuckled. "No problem.."

"Geez, what time is it?" You looked at the clock. "Twelve o-clock.. maybe we should go to bed."
You set your work in progress on Tracy's nightstand, since you two worked there. "Ill see you tomorrow, goodnight!" Tracy waved, smiling.

The next morning, you heard a knock on tour door.

"Im coming!" You said, groaning.

"Look, i dont wanna eat breakfast yet. Its way to early for tha- tracy??"

The woman was holding out a bouquet of flowers, hiding her face.

"For.. for you."

You smiled. "Any reason youre giving me flowers?"

Tracy set them on your nightstand.

"Would you.. want to go out with me..?" She said, in a quiet voice.

"Louder, i cant hear you." You teased, smirking.

She sighed. "Do you want to go out with me.." she said once more, slightly louder.

You chuckled. "Still cant hear youuuu"

She lightly punched your shoulder. "Date me, you idiot!"

You burst out laughing. "Of course ill go out with you tracy.

She smiled, and gave you a hug.

"I love you, F/n."

"Love you too, Tracy."

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