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The overcast of the morning crept into the bedroom. Cara gave a slight yawn and rubbed her eyes upon hearing the chirping of birds, honking of a car horn and her phone alarm in that particular order. She stretched her arms and legs, moving over from the left side of the bed to the right. She extended her arm to the opposite side, forgetting for a brief moment how the previous night ended. She looked over and found his side empty.

Cara started her daily routine, brushing her teeth with the toothpaste she hated, yet needed for sensitive teeth relief. Next, was the morning shower with scorching hot water, which steamed up the bathroom just enough for her to barely see her reflection in the mirror. She turned on the water resistant speaker, located in the shower itself, which is automatically set to a morning motivation playlist.

She trotted down the stairs ready for her busy day at work, taking notice of the calmness and tranquillity of the house. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairway she saw the living room couch, covered with blankets and one, singular pillow. Cara then glanced at her husbands' favourite coffee mug, which still had half the amount of coffee left inside. She observed the state of the living room, taking in a sharp breath. After pondering their contention, she scurried off and drove to work.


"No, I'm sorry that deal isn't available for customers who spend less than thirty dollars. Yes... I know ma'am, but unfortunately that's the way the deal works... I'm sorry there's nothing I... Okay... sure I'll send you through to the manager, please hold."

"Hey, Courteney! I've got another one for you. She's a real delight!" Cara yelled across the room while pressing her firm hand on the phone.

"Oh... are you kidding me! Again..." Courteney replied, rolling her eyes with her hands in the air.

Cara slumped in her chair, pressing her head into her arms, which were folded on the desk at this point. She glanced at the time on her outdated computer, then noticed the fifty-two unread emails.

One by one Cara read through the monotonous emails, replying with just enough effort to not get followed up by her boss for laziness. After what felt like a multitude of hours, answering emails and a few phone calls sprinkled in between, the day was nearing a close. Then, suddenly...


"No, he didn't!" Cara said out loud.



Subject            A walk in the park??

To whom it may concern,

My name is Aaron Rivera and you have been cordially invited for a nice leisurely stroll around Bayview Park at 5:30 pm on this fine evening. For your information, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that should not be passed up as the thought of missing out on this will linger in your mind for the rest of eternity. I implore you to come join me as we will take part in fun activities, such as walking through the park, bird watching, joke telling, snack purchasing and one of my personal favourites, laughing at couples that don't work well together at all.

If you decide to accept this invitation, you will find myself at our favourite tree. You know the one...


Aaron Rivera (probably the best husband in the world at this point)...


Cara couldn't help but smile. "Hey Courteney! Come read this and tell me what you think." Courteney paced over to her desk, quickly grabbed a chair and began reading.

"Oh my god!" Courteney's eyes lit up, like a caveman discovering fire for the first time. "Girl, if you say no to this I'm literally gonna fire you on the spot."

Cara couldn't keep in her laughter. "Alright, alright fine you've convinced me."

"Hmm, what time is it now?" She raised her arm to look at her watch as her eyes lit up for a second time. "Oh crap! You better get over to that park soon or you're not gonna have a husband anymore. I might take him instead" she joked.

"Okay you've convinced me. I'll see you back on Monday" Cara said as she began collecting her belongings. "Have a great weekend!"

Cara leaped out of the office like Usain Bolt running the one hundred metre sprint. She anxiously awaited for the elevator to get her to the ground floor. She pranced around the empty elevator, tapping her foot, checking her watch and humming the same song from the morning shower.



She bolted for the car. Speed walking with only one focus in mind. She could see it in her head. The image of him standing beside their tree kept replaying again... and again... and again.

Cara carelessly chucked her purse in the passenger seat, clicking in her seatbelt while reversing out of the parking spot with no time to spare. I'm gonna need to take Trenton Road aren't I? She thought to herself.

With no time to waste, she dodged and weaved through lanes of moderately moving traffic during the afternoon peak hour. With the radio blasting and windows opened she tapped her hand to the beat of the song, hoping that it would help her get to the destination faster.

After some risky driving that would make anyone's mother fear for their life, she turned into Bayview Park with a smile that could light up a room.

There he was. Standing there with a face of slight cockiness. They locked eyes and couldn't help but laugh at each other from a distance. Aaron knew the moment he sent that email that all their problems would fade away, like tears in the rain. Cara's memories came flooding back. At this moment their hearts became one. Every missing part of them was safely stored in the other. Their happiness and contentment was projected in the way that they looked at each other, the way they talked, the way they lived and the way they loved.

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