Cheryl- captain of the cheerleaders, has two beautiful/sexy girlfriends, all the girls flirt with her, 5'9, bottom energy, likes to steal Toni's clothes, like kinky/hard sex with her two gfs, rich, live together with her gfs in the same house
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Toni- Gp, football quarterback, #19, has two beautiful/sexy girlfriends, all the girls flirt with her, 6'0, top energy, like kinky/hard sex with her two gfs, has 8packs, rich, live together with her gfs in the same house
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Veronica- co-captain of the cheerleaders, has two beautiful/sexy girlfriends, all the girls flirt with her, 5'8, bottom energy, likes to steal Toni's clothes, like kinky/hard sex with her two gfs, rich, all live together, live together with her gfs in the same house
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Their house
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