Untitled Part 6

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Toni pov- yesterday was amazing, my parents left and we have s3x everywhere except my parents and siblings room but the others are here too and they were also having s3x, today we are getting punished because the whole mansion is smelling like s3x and a hint of alcohol and it is a mess in here and fangs is not the only boy anymore, Mami came birth to Draco and drake  and we are half-dragons like royal dragons like real, real dragons I mean it's pretty cool to think about it

On tonight's bed

Cheryl- good morning love

Toni- morning, beautiful's

Vernonia- your muscles are so sexy

Vernonia- your muscles are so sexy

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*Toni's body and tattoos*

Toni- thanks, love

Veronica- come to bed, hun

Toni- what is it

veronica- I wanna your big black cock inside me

Cheryl- same

Toni- can't believe I have the hottest girls as my babies

Chery- I can't believe I have the hottest girl as our baby

Toni- *crawled to Ronnie and Cheryl*

Veronica- *grabbed Toni's face and started to kiss her*

Cheryl- *kissing one's shoulders and neck*

Toni- Fuck, ugh

After the 6 hour fucking

Toni- fuck

Cheryl- why do u a monster dick

Toni- idk, ask my body

Veronica- that made no sense

Knocking at the door

Toni- What's up!!

outside of her door

Keelin- Bubba!!


Toni- what!!


Keelin- Papi and Mami said to get dress and come downstairs and wear black!!


Toni- why!!


Keelin- because it's the color for today!!


Toni- ok, tell Mami and Papi we are comin', love u!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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