Untitled Part 5

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Toni pov- we decided it was better to do it in different rooms bcuz the teacher said groups, not a whole ass groups and ofc I was here with two beautiful girls even tho they are dating, and tho I wanna call them mine cuz.....why not........like haven't u seen them...like they are beautiful as fuck for no gotdamnn reason


Ch&Ve pov- since we started our relationship, we have been missing something and when Toni come to the school, we know that she was the missing piece but we can't just be like Toni u are our missing half, so will u be ours

Toni- guys

Cheryl- hey whats up

Ronnie- hey, what is the project about?

Toni idk, what about u too

Ch&Ve- Create an Internet scavenger hunt

Toni- cool bur since we are all sweating and u two don't have clothes here, u can wear my clothes

Ch&Ve- *blushing*

Ronnie- wouldn't be too big for us

Toni- yea, but what the hell, u will still look sexy

Ch&Ve- *blushing very hard*

Toni- *smiling* well here are my clothes *headed it to them*

Ch&Ve- thanks 

Toni np

in the bathroom

Ronnie- is it  just me or is Toni getting hot every time she says something 

Cheryl- it's not u, baby

Ronnie- I just want her to fuck me really hard

Cheryl- you're not the only one

Ronnie- so we both agree that we went to make Toni our gf

Cheryl- yep

Ronnie- operation: new girlfriend is a go then

Cheryl- yep but when the time and day is right

Ronnie- *looking through the little crack* the right time and day but will take forever? *whining* 

Cheryl- babe

Ronnie- just look at her abs and that dick damnnn

Cheryl- wait what *looking through the little crack*

Ronnie- we are acting so weird right now

Cheryl- I know

Ronnie- we need help

Cheryl- yea, we do

Toni- *yelling* guys, are u ready

Ronnie- *yelling back* yea, yea we are

(what they are wearing)

(what they are wearing)

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*Cheryl and Veronica*

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*Cheryl and Veronica*

Cheryl- this is cute, where are we going

Toni- *grabbed them*

Ronnie- 💭oh, damn...u really something else💭

Toni💭if they aren't going to make the first move then I am💭

Cheryl- 💭damn Toni💭

Toni- we are going to a party hosted by my cousin Dustin

Cheryl- who are his parents?

Toni- auntie cardi b and auntie Nicki

Ronnie- I thought 

Toni- no, they made up by having sex ofc

Cheryl- wow


Toni- mama, papa

Ronnie- u know Spanish

Toni- yep

Megan- wassup

Toni- hi mama

Lani- wassup little man

Toni- we are going to a party

Lani- here are condoms and don't lock doors there

Ch&Ve- *blushing*

Toni- pops!!!!!

Lani- just sayin'

Toni- whatever

In the garage

Toni- u guys can pick which car u want to ride in

Ch&Ve- This one

Toni- good, let's go

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Toni- good, let's go

Lani-wait, wait

Toni-wassup pops

Lani- here *gave her condoms*

Toni- really

Lani- do u want to get them pregnant early

Toni- no

Lani- then take stupid

Toni- 😑😑

Lani- byeeeeee


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