Untitled Part 4

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(I change jughead is the youngest of all of them, so there six of them)

Toni pov- our new friend that we made are coming over to our house, we send a car there because we didn't want so many cars in the front of the house and the 6 of us hooked bcuz they look beautiful cuz Fangs has a thing for Kevin, Toni has a thing for the two ladies, Keelin has a thing for Chole, Kayla has a thing for Lila, Renee has a thing for Ashly, and Jughead has a thing for Reggie but the Archie and Reggie are fighting for jughead's heart

Megan- welcome

Cheryl- thanks, Im Cheryl, This is Veronica my gf, and they are my friends Kevin, Chole, Lila, Ashly, Reggie, and Archie 

Megan- come in, but they are in the back

Everyone- ok

N/A- while they walked in, they saw all of the Topaz kids half-naked but they are playing either football or basketball or just chillin' in the pool or wrestling each other

Megan- guys

Kids- yea

Megan- I got water and your friends are here

Toni- go

Lani- hi

the other kids- hi

Lani- treat my kids good

Toni- *blushing* POPS


Megan- let's go

Lani- my ears, ow, ow, ow, ow, ouch, women lets go, owwwwww

Megan- shut up, let's go

Chole- *giggling*

Kevin- are they like this

Fangs- yep, all the time

Chris- yo, where u at

Toni- uncle Chris

Chris- wow, who are they

Keelin- they are our friends from school

Billie- ROAR!!!

Fangs- *screaming*

Everyone- *laughing*

Fangs- shut up

Kevin- aww, don't be sad that was the cutest scream ever

Fangs- *blushing really hard*

Jason- ohhhhhhhhhh, Lil cousin has a crush


Toni- guys

The celebs- yea

Renne- meet our friend

Chris- more like lovers

The kids- *blushing*

The celebs- *laughing*

Yonce- u guys really look like tomatoes

Lani- wow, so many shine tomato's

Fangs- momma *whining*

Toni- we have to go upstairs because of our school projects

Jason- leave the doors open tho


Jughead- we are so, so sorry

Reggie- no it's fine *smiling at him*

Jughead- *blushing*

Archie- *mad*

Kevin- there is some strong tension here

Willow- I smelled tension so I came as fast as I could

Toni- get out willow

Ronnie- who was that

Toni- our older cousin

Cheryl- who many cousins do u guys have

Kayla- too many to count

The other kids- wow

Toni- *chuckling*

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