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"Hey, Kurt! Mercedes called last night and she... Kurt? Kurt!?"

Of course he was ignoring her. Nothing else mattered but finding Blaine. He didn't want to hear about Mercedes and her awful words. Rachel wouldn't stand to be ignored, though. Not in this life time.


She waved her hand in front of his face, and he didn't even flinch.

"Kurt Hummel, I know you hear me!"

"Congratulations." Kurt muttered.


"What, Rachel!"

"Are you deaf or something? I've been calling you!"

"Can you not take a hint or something? I've been ignoring you!"

Rachel was speechless for probably the first time in her life. She looked down with an unhappy expression and sighed.

"Kurt, what's going on?"

"I'm gonna fix my life. You can't stop me."

"What does that even mean?"

When Kurt didn't answer, Rachel rolled her eyes. She then stood, planning to go to Burt. When she left, Kurt set back to work like normal. Things were rather quiet and he grew bored as a result.

Everyone in the coffee shop seemed in a better mood than him. He noticed kids on their computers, people on dates, parents with their children and so on. He wished he had the pleasure, but-

"I'll get a caramel macchiato."

Kurt stopped dead in his tracks. The cup he was holding shattered when he dropped it. His whole world seemed to come crashing down while the familiar voice rang in his ears. It had been too long.


He turned, almost too excited, and saw a short boy. He wasn't Blaine, but he sure sounded like him. The poor kid gave a confused expression, making Kurt even more humiliated and disappointed. 

"S-sorry..." Kurt whispered. "I thought you were someone else."

"Clearly..." The boy replied, and then repeated his order.

Kurt moved faster when he prepared the customer's drink. He really just wanted the guy to get the hell out so he could stop feeling like an idiot. 

"Thanks..." The boy said, but Kurt didn't hear him.

He was busy cleaning up glass and trying to ignore the eyes on him. It was like they all knew he was seconds from breaking. He wished he could disappear. Things only got worse from there. He watched the boy sit back down with his friend, who said,

"I told you he was nuts. You're the one who didn't believe me, Mr. Caramel Macchiato."

That was about when he lost it. He pale skin started crawling, making him feel like a stranger in his own skin. He yanked the apron over his head, tearing the small nametag attached to it. He bolted, making it home quicker than expected, and snuck past his father to his room.

The money he had saved wasn't hidden very well, sticking out from under his pillow. He shoved it in a small bag along with his phone, two protein bars, and Blaine's note from his mother. Kurt hated the feeling the whole situation gave him, betrayal, humiliation, disobedience. Sneaking past his father again, he realized he needed money to survive until he found Blaine. 

There was no way he was going back to the Lima Bean. Instead, he doubled back the kitchen where Burt's wallet lay on the table. The anticipation mocked him for a minute before he gave in, taking forty dollars, and silently throwing an apology behind him. He put the money he didn't steal in an envelope marked "Sorry."

Then he payed for a plane ticket to California with his father's card. As soon as he was out of the door, he sighed, and he began running as fast as he possibly could down to the airport. In the process, Blaine's previous note to him flew out of his pocket and down the street with the wind. 


He grew tired quickly, but that didn't stop him. At the airport he was able to see the different flight times to California. That's when reality hit him. He almost couldn't believe what he was doing. He'd run away leaving his family and friends to think he was missing again, betraying Rachel and Mercedes, stealing money from his father, and all for what?

He was so sure that Blaine was the only person who could do these things to him. He was almost as sure that Blaine was his soulmate but... what if Blaine didn't want to-

"Shut up, shut up..." Kurt whispered to himself.

He forced Blaine out of his mind for the time being, and boarded the plane with trembling hands.

Thoughts? Are people actually interested in the plot of this so far?(*^_^*) Lemme know.

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