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Well that happened. What now?

"Morning, Kurt!"

Seriously, what the fuck do we do now?!

"Morning, Blaine."

Both boys could feel the aftermath creeping in. It wasn't unwelcome, just new. After all they'd been through though, this was the least of their worries.

"Shit, we should've been driving yesterday..." Blaine said, checking the time on his phone.

Kurt half-smiled at Blaine's messy curls. He'd forgotten the way they sprang out of place, revealing the real Blaine underneath.

They drove to a small gas station to grab supplies and freshen up. Blaine was the first out of the car, grabbing two milky ways and a large soda.

Kurt followed behind with his skin products and hairspray. Surprisingly, he was done before Blaine was, allowing him to bring their snacks back to the car and wait for a bit.

He was content for the most part, considering the circumstances. He nearly forgot the reason he was there, and what could possibly be awaiting back home.

That is, until he coincidentally saw the trunk from the rear view mirror. He noticed more than just one suitcase there. Bags upon bags, boxes and boxes, along with miscellaneous items. When Blaine entered the car again, his hair now tamed, Kurt popped the obvious question.

"Hey, Blaine..."


"Where have you been living?"

There was a silence, and Kurt quickly regretted the topic he'd chosen.

"I-In my car back home. Why?"

"Why'd you bring everything with you?"

More silence. Still, uneasy silence. Kurt felt stupid for continuing on this when he knew he shouldn't. He didn't want to start anything when they'd just gotten in good terms but he couldn't help it.

"Well, there wasn't much else of a place I could've put it... and I needed it anyway. No sense in going back for it all, right?"

Now Kurt was quiet. Something was becoming painfully clear.


"You don't plan on trying to live with your mom, do you?"

"Did you even read the letter I gave you?!" Blaine snapped. "I know things were stressful but I told you everything and it's like you ignored the parts I needed you to hear the most!"

"I-I'm sorry, Blaine. I didn't read the whole thing..."

He had no memory of where Blaine's note even was anymore. He was hell bent on coming there to begin with and anything stopping him was flying out with the wind... literally.

"I guess that means..."

He didn't finish the sentence. He was too scared to. This time, no one stopped the silence. It dragged on while Blaine drove to his mothers house, planning to stay there for the rest of his teen years.

It didn't take long for Kurt to doze off again in the passenger seat. Blaine placed his jacket over him, hating how obligated he felt to do it even when he was upset.

"I still love you." He whispered.


"We aren't doing this again!!" Quinn covered her face with her hands.

"Finn, chill." Santana says, watching him take deep breaths.

"He's lost AGAIN?!" Puck shouted.

"He's not lost. There's a note. He's with Blaine in California." Rachel reasoned.

The glee club as well as Kurt's family were in a bad situation yet again.

"This is all Blaines fault!! I swear, he's been nothing but trouble! Bullying to nearly getting him killed to getting him lost?! God knows what they're even doing there!"

Rachel tapped his shoulder.

"Actually, Kurt chose to follow him..." She held up the note. "He said he was going to fix his life or something and I told Burt but he just figured it was a figure of speech."

"No, I said we shouldn't try to stop him because he needs to find out for himself." Burt chimes in, silencing the group. "It's clear this is what he wants. He wasn't going to stop and we tried to to restrain him, he'd hate us. I think it's best to leave him be. We know where he is, so what's the harm?"

"He stole money from you!" Finn groaned. "And betrayed the rest of us! Does he really care so much about some boy that he'd leave us all in the dust?!"

There was a phone call that Artie declined before anyone could answer. It rang again. He declined again. The third time it rang, his rage was clear in his voice.

"Now is not the time to be selling your damn Girl Scout cookies!!"

"I'm not a Girl Scout- I heard Blaine was lost again. Meet me in the Lima State Police Department."

"Why? Who are you?"

"John Anderson."

Where Have You Been (As If It Was Easy Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now