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"I don't want to go."

"You have to!" Mercedes exclaimed.

"Do not! It'll just be loud music and drinking and sex! What good will that do for me?"

"You don't have to drink or hook up, Kurt! The point is to have fun! You haven't had fun since..." She stopped talking and then quickly started up again. "Anyway, we should really pick out your outfit!"

Kurt didn't have to ask he to know what she meant. He may have healed physically, but mentally, he'd never mention Blaine's name without crying.

"Mercedes, come on. Rachel said I shouldn't be doing stuff like this."

"Since when do you listen to Rachel?"

Kurt stopped talking. She had a point, which also meant there was no way out. Great.



"Wha-at?" Kurt dragged his words out, putting his shoes on as slowly as humanly possible.

"You're taking forever! We're gonna be late!"

"I don't see how that's a problem."

Mercedes frowned, grabbing his hand and running him outside. She watched as Kurt sluggishly shuffled along. What she didn't know, was that he was trying to find an excuse to go back in.

"I forgot my phone!"

Mercedes sighed.

"Listen, Kurt, I'm not about to be late to this party. You can catch up." She then leaned closer to him. "You will catch up, won't you? Don't skip this one, please. Promise me."

He stared into her eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Fine, 'Cedes, I promise. I'll just be a second. You go catch a ride with the others, and I'll drive my car there."

She seemed content with his answer, and rushed off as a response. More than anything, Kurt wanted to stay behind. But he grabbed his phone, and set off to his car which was parked down the road. He was about halfway there when a whisper caused him to flinch.


He stopped walking, looking for the voice instead. His hands were suddenly shaking at the familiarity. 


Kurt almost couldn't bring himself to answer. There were tears brimming over his cheeks, making his vision blurry.

"B-Blaine?" His voice cracked, and he shook his head. "Blaine... Is that you?"


"Where are you?"

"I'm in your head."


"No, dummy, I'm at hiding. I'll be at Mad House soon to drop something off. I need you to go there as soon as you can. Don't let anyone follow you."

There was a short rustling that became evident moments later, and Kurt blinked quickly. A part of him was saying he was hallucinating, but the part of him that loved Blaine seemed to overpower that. His feet turned, and he was on his way to the most traumatic place he'd ever seen. 

His tears dried in the cold night in a wat that almost felt refreshing. Still, when he saw the cardboard bumblebee, still there mocking him like it always was, he couldn't help but let out a short sob. This was where he'd been shot. It was where Blaine had decided he was too dangerous.

He slowly walked inside, trembling slightly when he remembered sitting for hours on the cold floor. There was yellow caution tape around one area, the place where Azimio had been shot. He could still see him there, looking shocked.

He quickly walked past it to where a small box lay. He opened it carefully, as if a snake might jump out. What he found inside was a note from Blaine. The handwriting was his, and Kurt couldn't help but smile at the scribbling. 


If you are reading this, it's because I've decided to run. I know you, and I know you're gonna look for me. Please, don't. It won't be safe for you..."

Kurt could see the ink blotches where Blaine must've pressed too hard. He could see some words scribbled out and written again. He could almost picture Blaine writing it, probably knowing there was no way in hell Kurt wouldn't look for him. All this time without his soul mate, and the first thing he gets is a note to stay away? 

It wasn't even about that at this point so much as he still had something for Blaine. The note from his mother still lay in his drawer, waiting to be opened. God knows Kurt would never open it without Blaine no matter how badly he wished he could. He continued to read.

"...If you still have doubts, which I know you do, go see Jack. I visited him recently and he's changed."


"Yes, changed. I didn't trust him at first, but he helped me out when the cops asked where I was going because I was quote, "so young-looking." Since I'm almost positive you have a similar question, I'll answer. I'm going to find my mother. She may not have always been there for me, but she knows something I don't about Jack and I'll make her explain if it's the last thing I do. Last I heard from one of her old friends, she was in California. That's where I'll be-"

Kurt didn't bother reading the rest of the letter. He immediately tucked the note away in his pocket, and ran back to his house to pack. He hadn't saved up much money since a shift at the Lima Bean doesn't pay that well. That didn't matter to him. He almost had enough for a plane ticket if he used the money from his birthday cards. He decided a few more days working a crap job would allow him to leave.


When Kurt's phone rang the next morning, he wasn't sure if the entire previous day was some fucked up dream. He rubbed his eyes for a moment before answering.



He just about dropped his phone, hearing Mercedes yell like that. Now he knew this was reality. He'd missed the party and she was probably pissed.

"Mercedes, I'm so sorry... I-"

"Save it, white boy, there's no excuse! You promised me, Kurt!"

"I know but... Blaine left a note for me at M-Mad House and-"

"Jesus Christ, Kurt, when will it get through to you that Blaine's probably dead!?"

There was radio silence immediately after. Kurt's hands started shaking again, like as if they wanted to rip his hair out.

"Kurt... I-I'm so sorry... I just-"

Kurt hung up. He didn't have time to listen to her anymore. She made her thoughts crystal clear. He had one thing on his mind now: Finding Blaine Anderson.

Where Have You Been (As If It Was Easy Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now