The x games- Hotel

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Me and Mark walk into the elevator and in their we met no other than Staale sandbech. Not gonna lie if I wasn't with Mark I might give Staale a chance I mean he is quite good looking, but at the minute I only had eyes for Mark. I decided to make some small talk as the vibe in the elevator was tense, not sure why.                
" Hi Staale" i said " How you been i haven't seen you in a while" Smiling at me Staale accepted the conversation and replied " Hi Ellie i'm good, how you been, the last I i saw you you were breaking records and landing triples like it was no-ones business" He replied. I smiled at the memory that re-surfaced when i saw Staale again.

"next up, Ellie Harrows" The commentator announced over the speakers as i readied myself for my run. I put in my music and blocked everyone else out. Faintly i heard the commentator saying how i have a sprained ankle and was lucky to even be competing. Staale had challenged me jokingly before my run saying " Hey if Ellie does a triple then i'll eat yellow snow" he dared. it was on. I started my run and ran through it without a hitch, the last jump, this was it. I didn't want to push myself too much, just stomping down my board sent a flare of pain through my ankle. I took off with every intention of doing a double. OK Ellie, one..... two i had enough air time left, i could do this i could do a triple. i heard my mum in my head " Go for it Ell, you can do it" THREE! I stomped down, forgetting about my ankle and finished the run perfectly. it was silent and then everyone erupted in cheers as Staale grabbed me nto a huge bear hug. I heard the commentators freaking out over the speakers "WE HAVE JUST MADE HISTORY, THE FIRST FEMALE TRIPLE OH MY GOD ELLIE HARROWS IS UNSTOPPABLE AT THE MINUTE. GET OUT THE HISTORY BOOKS!!"

End of flashback

"Still landing them triples Staale" i said as we reached our floor.        
"I expected nothing less" he said giving me a flirty smile. No one knew me and Mark were together except Craig and Marks family . I would tell my family but they wouldn't care.

Me and Mark had rooms next to each other, we wanted to get one together but Adam said it would look too suspicious until we confirmed our relationship.I told Mark to come into my room once he was done unpacking. 10 minutes later a very tired M ark was at my door.
"Mark you look so tired ,maybe you should go to sleep"        
"That's why i came here" He slurred tiredly stepping into my room. I didn't want Mark or me to get into trouble so i gently pushed him back.
"Mark we cant sleep in the same room, Adam will kill us and if we get found out then we will both be exposed" i said trying to be reasonable.
"Are you ashamed of being with me?" He asked  me "NO Mark that's not what i meant " i replied hurriedly. "Really coz that's what it sounded like" he spat " Mark i just don't wanna get into any tro-" "Save it, why don't you just get Staale to come and keep you company? You clearly aren't ashamed to be with him." he said and stormed out of my room slamming my door shut. Tears rolled down my face and i sank onto my bed pulling on one of Marks hoodies that i had taken and fell into a dreamless sleep. My last thought - i'm so sorry Mark.

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