We need to talk

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Marks POV

Me and Ellie made our way over to my Slopestyle. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulders and hers banded around her waist.

She snuggles in closer to me as we made our way to Slopestyle when we ran into Sven and Staale.

"Hey Sven" Ellie smiled pullin Him into a gigantic hug. Which he returned.

"Hey Ellie, I saw you compete. Man you were sick. Good job" he said smiling at her. I saw Ellie and staale staring at each other and decided that I should give them a moment. However much I didn't want to leave her with him. He ruined her. And me. I grabbed Sven and pulled him closer to the big air run.

"Are you ok dude?" Sven asked looking concerned. He was literally one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

"Do you know why Ellie stopped snowboarding?" I asked him

"No. No one does" he replied confused.

"Well there's your reason."I said pointing at Staale "and I think they need a minute to talk about what happened. Do you wanna come warm up with me?"

Sven looked at Staale and I could see he wanted to ask what had happened but bit his tongue."yeah. I could go for a warm up with my fave mcmorris. " he said smiling.

" don't let craig the commentator hear you say that it you'll never have a good commentary on your run" I said laughing as I grabbed my board and walked with Sven to walk up.


"Hey Ellie " Staale said

"Hi" I relied coldly and I saw the fleck of hope in his eyes disappear

"Look Ellie. I'm so sorry I got caught up in the moment and I didn't mean to ruin Mark or you. I really do care about you " he said I'll in one breath

"Staale I love you." I said quickly.

"But as a brother. Not like Mark" I stated

"Ok. Can we start over ?" He asked

"Hi. I'm Ellie Harrow" I said smiling and sticking out a hand. He grabbed it and pulled me into a giant bear hug. God I have missed these. "Hi I'm Staale " he whispered in my ear.

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