"Do you wanna have a coffee?"

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Marks POV

I was just snowboarding around at 5:30 in the morning (as you do) when suddenly i fell on top of something oh shit it was a someone.

After embarrassing myself by rambling for many minutes i was helping her up off the ground and she screamed and a hand flew to her back. oh my god I've broken her back.

After another bout of my rambling and the snowboarder saying it was already broken i felt more relieved when i realized 2 things 

1- they are riding with cracked back

2-i dont even know which gender they are yet (not that it mattered)

"and your riding with it that's gnarly man.... or woman" i said about their back 

They must have realized that i couldn't see their face because they took off their scarf and goggles and i was met by a gorgeous pair of blue eyes ,her skin was flushed, but it only made her more beautiful to me. Her cute little button nose slightly red with the cold temperature.

Then i noticed something.... a familiarity I swear i have seen her somewhere before. I brushed it off and blamed it on the concussion.

She looked down and then i realized i was staring and i also looked down at the snow.

"Well I'm gonna go home now, i don't think my back can take anymore of this" she said trying to undo her binding and having a bit of trouble doing so.

"Here let me" i said gently reaching down to undo her bindings for her.

"Thanks" she said as i grabbed her board and pulled her up off the snow, beginning to walk down the hill. 

I couldn't help but notice that her board had so many stickers and sponsors on them , maybe even more than me.

Whoever she is shes good. I thought to myself

"Thanks" she said as we reached the bottom of the hill. she started to walk away but i grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Being careful not to damage her back even more than i already have.

       "Would you maybe wanna go for a coffee with me?" i said shyly not even sure if she heard me 

"I would love to Mark" she grinned and we walked towards the nearest coffee shop me still carrying her heavily decorated board.

Falling Angels (mark mcmorris)Where stories live. Discover now