Back on the board

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I woke up next to mark. He was still asleep so I started over-thinking things as I always do.

'Will he be able to compete?' ' what if he never fully recovers?'

' is he done snowboarding for good?'

I started rubbing my hand up and down his tones stomach and wondering. I didn't realise I was crying until Mark (who had aplenty woken up now) was asking me what was wrong and wiping my tears away.

"You need to get back on a board" I said confidently. He needed to her back to form ASAP

" ok babe. ok we'll go now" he said trying to get me to stop crying.


I needed to get Ellie to stop crying and worrying about me so I agreed to try and get back on my board again. I got ready to go (with the help of Ellie ) and we headed out I the slopes.



I got my feet in my board but Ellie had to do up my bindings as I couldn't bend down. I went up to the beginner run with Ellie and we took it slow on the way down and it hurt like hell but I carried on eventually getting used to the pain.

I looked down to see Ellie taking to Staale and I felt a pang of jealousy. I thought nothing of it and carried on boarding but when he kisses her cheek I cracked. I boarded down and stopped infront of them both.

" hey Staale mind letting me have my girlfriend back?" I spat at my supposed friend

"Mark we were just talking" Ellie said

" so your siding with him " I said scowling at Staale

" sorry dude I'll back off " Staale said backing away from us. Finally.

" WAIT STAALE" Ellie shouted. What is she doing?

" I'm sorry about Mark, do you wanna go for a coffee sometime. As friends" she asked flashing me a glare

" sure. I'll meet you there in 30 mins?" He asked

"Sounds good" she said and he walked away.

" Mark I'm so sorry to leave you but I have to train for the Olympics I'm gonna try and get my grab down on the triple" she said and walked away. I have up on her and just walked home.

Falling Angels (mark mcmorris)Where stories live. Discover now