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In Zen's head, everything was dark. He floated in the darkness, unable to move. Standing in front of him in mirrored clothes was his opposite self, sipping from a glass full of blood.

You should have listened to my advice, Reverse-Zen said, sighing.

The real Zen said nothing, simply floating in the darkness tiredly.

Reverse-Zen wiped his bloody lips. Well, you done fucked up. Now it's about time you face the consequences of not listening. Reverse-Zen smiled and everything was sucked away.

Zen cracked his eyes open. Suddenly, he wasn't floating anymore. Now he felt more grounded than ever before. His side burned and he tried to get up, when he realized his wrists were stapped to the table. His torso hurt where he had been cut.

Zen widened his eyes and gasped. He suddenly remembered everything. The person in the hood he had fought, the unconscious girl he and Ouji had carried here, and his friend being kicked by a girl with short hair, who had then turned around and kicked him.

Zen yelled and strained against the restraints. If Ouji was dead- no, regardless of whether he was dead or not, he was going to kill those two assholes- the one he fought and the bitch who knocked him out. He thrashed and shook, and someone heard all the noise, came to look. The guy widened his eyes as he looked through the window and ran down the hall.

"He's awake," Zen heard him say.

Exactly three seconds later, a girl strode in. She stopped as she saw Zen and narrowed her eyes. She looked familiar. She had short, dark hair and a skirt. A dark jacket was draped around her shoulders.

Oh right. This was the same bitch who knocked Zen out.

"You," Zen hissed.

She walked over to the bed slowly. She stared at him, not with hostility, but with caution.

She took a deep breath. "Who are you?" She asked eventually.

"Are you seriously asking me that!? Who the hell are you!?" Zen shouted.

She crossed her arms. "I'm asking the questions. What were you doing with our friend?"

"What, are you anticipating my questions or something!? Where's my friend!? Where's Ouji!?"

"Just answer her damn question," sighed a voice.

Zen turned his head and saw, leaning in the doorway, was the same guy he had fought. His hood was down, and all his wounds were almost completely gone.

"You," Zen seethed. "You asshole. Where's my friend!? Where's that girl!?"

"Answer me," the girl said sternly. "Then maybe you'll get yours. Who are you?"

Zen looked at her and snarled. "Your fucking grandmother!!! Where is Ouji!?!?"

The girl sighed. "We know you're a ghoul, with a bikaku. But your friend is a full human. What are you even doing together? And why were you with our friend?"

Zen gave her another snarl. "Something you obviously thought very wrong!!! We were bringing her here to have sex with her, okay? Happy!?"

The girl was taken aback by all the rage, and shook her head.

"You're insane," she said, disgusted.

"Oh, baby," Zen said, "you have no idea."

His hand suddenly broke out of the restraints and grabbed for her neck. She dodged liquidly, stepping back with wide, surprised eyes. His kagune was still unavailable to Zen, but that didn't stop him. He broke out of the other restraint and now both his hands were free. He rose out of the bed, his voice making a dangerous sound emanating from deep in his throat.

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