My Random Ramble About the OSC

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Let me just get one thing straight here before all this: I do believe that TPOT will be good, and I want to believe it. I just take some issue with the way it's held up on a pedestal compared to post-split BFB.

Ok so, BFDI series? Has been kicking around for 11 years. We all know that. A show's quality tends to decline with age as the years go by. Soon you start running out of ideas. Yadayadayada. So when post-split BFB rolled around, people almost immediately began o show distaste for it. The amount of times I've heard a rant on how terrible it is cannot be counted on my hands, and is just downright exhausting.

It's perfectly ok to not like post-split BFB, I'm not saying you have to. In my own opinion, it is very hit or miss, and the growth of characters that does happen tends to fly over viewers' heads. I just do not understand how people can constantly complain about it, only to come crawling back an episode or two later. Nostalgia towards it may be a factor, but it kind of looks irrational imo.

To add insult to injury, these same people are probably also the same ones who worship and hype up TPOT despite us having almost no idea about what it'll be like. Here, look at this.

I expect TPOT to be good, but really? Completely redeeming post-split? There is good and bad to post-split, and there will surely be flaws in TPOT

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I expect TPOT to be good, but really? Completely redeeming post-split? There is good and bad to post-split, and there will surely be flaws in TPOT.

But, in general, I just wish the OSC wasn't so pessimistic. A lot of people who tear post-split to shreds are also refusing to see positives in it. The drama a huge portion of the community dive bombs into causes people to run off. One discussion on a character cannot happen without someone acting like everyone should follow that one's opinion.

I know I spend this book insulting the OSC, but I do believe it can be better, that we can be better. But, maybe I'm just tired because it's 3 AM here.

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