When Flames and Evergreens Combine

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As noticed, this shitpost was originally its own chaptered story on my account, but it felt too short and weak to be a standalone story, so I injected it into this book and slapped an ending onto it. A few of the jokes had to be rewritten but otherwise it's literally the same.

"ooooooooohhhh firey" leafy said as he walked and then firey approached and slapped her and burned her hahaha funny and said "ur bad" and left and then leafy started cryinf and then pin showed up. "wuts wrong leaf" and then leafy slapped pin but then they both got slapped my coiny (author note dont ask how) and then gelatin appeared and made a snarky comment before vanishing for 400 paragraphs with donut.

leafy gots her weapon and said "i will kill him" and then she transformed into magical yoyle girl and went to kill firey. "wut we do" pin and coiny said before being tagged in the fanfic.

leafy ran and she had the weapon and she was crying and then she approached firey and said "i will kill u" and firey was like "nuuuu i want attention" and then teardrop said nothing and then firey died and leafy died haha

firey woke up "wtf was that shit" and then he looked around and he was in hell and he said "oh this isnt so bad" but then leafy was here and firey started cryinf so loud and he would've died but he was already ded! "firey shut up nobody likes you they only like me" and firey was crying even more and in pain from the crying. and leafy was like "wowww urr soooo borin outside our ship" and firey couldnt take it and he killed her and beat her up and default danced on her corpse.

"wait" firey said "since she died here is she in 2nd hell" and then alastor from hazbin hote was there and he said "no shes alive and ur not" and firey cried and played the drums and said "thats it im going backl and put on his frisk bracelet and jumped out of hell.

meanwhile pen and eraser were existing and blocky screamed "its JOOOOOOOKEEEEEEE" at the top of his voice and everyone screamed and cried and 4 started flossing.

remember how donut and gelateen would appear 400 paragraphs later well its time! well donut just killed gelatin and then liy came over and said "thats nice may i make a tiktok of it" and donut said yeah.

leafy appeared from hell and said "ok campers i'm back!" And everyoen cried except for BEST GIRL BRACELETI who was busy cheering for her waifu ice cube we stan. then firey appeared and everyone cried even more. firey frowned and said "what are u all cryinf about" and coiny said "well u and leafy suck without fireafy so get kissing" but firey couldnt and he played the Barney theme song and Dora started dancibg until david slapped her so sad waaaaaaaaaa.

but dora doesnt cry because she's good. bell looked at firey and said "its as though everytime you open your mouth, you become less and less likable" and everyone said OooOooooohhhh and leafy smirked. Firey cried and ran offf to mourn and write in his diary.

"dear diary" firey said "today i couldnt find my diary so im writing on my two shrek dvds" and shrek was on the dvds and he winked at him and firey squealed and said "omg" and he was dancing but then he burned the dvds omg. "nUUUUUUU" said firey but then meanwhile grassy was there and he said "im grassy" and firey was so mad that he killed grassy and he said "yeah and im firey so die" and grassy died omg so sad.

Blocky showed up and be said "what the heck why did you kill grassy u firey" he said and firey sighed and said "because my dear love shrekathon was slaughtered" and blocky said "well leafy is your true love" and firey blushed and said "SHIT THE FUCK UP SHIT THE FUCK UP" and left the roblox server.

"sad" said leafy before chasing after firey.

firey logged off and got out of his gamer chair which was next to his gamer equipment and he said "wow im glad thats over" but then firey jr came and he said "i want to play fortnite" and then firey said "no" and firey jr was so mad that he burned down all the gaming stuff and firey cried and said "WHY" but firey jr had already gone downstairs to eat lunch.

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