Donut X Gelatin

836 13 47

- Do you ship Puffball X Fries as well? Because if so, that explains a lot about you.

- You played Club Penguin or Roblox as a kid

- You're into murder mysteries (I can tell, I've seen the Wattpad community)

- At one point you've seen Joker 2019 and either liked it a lot or hated it

- I'm really pulling at strings here but you've listened to Bo Burnham or Weird Al

- You've previously shipped Patton X Logan, (Sander Sides) Tom X Marco, (SVTFOE) or Lars X Sadie. How's that holding up for you?

- No idea why but I get the energy that you imitate a British/American accent when you're alone sometimes and giggle

- Any deep advice I have for this situation...? Stay gold, Ponyboy.

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