You're Going To Brazil

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Would this be considered a sequel to "When Flames and Evergreens Combine"? I don't know.

Once upon a time is a dumb greeting. Pencil is eating her Lucky Charms cereal, ok?! And nothing is getting in the way of that.

"HEEEEEY MATCH," Pencil says. Match walks in with a warm smile and says "Hey bitch, whatcha want from the store," before stopping to eat some of the cereal. Pencil begins to growl and bitch slaps Match.

Match whines and slaps the cereal onto the ground. Pencil snaps (not literally) and rips her apart, splinters spilling everywhere, before she judo throws her to Brazil.

It's actually Brazil, not a joke, she lands there, dead.

"HEY I'M WALKING HERE," Cake screams angrily at her corpse.

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