Undying love

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A/N: I've kind of given up on authors notes, but if you have any questions or suggestions comment them here:)

Denki's POV:

Sero and MIna were playing battlefront in the common room while Bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya stood in the kitchen talking and eating snacks, and Jiro and Momo were with Uraraka and Tsu playing the game of life, and Hagakure was with Ojiro, Shouji, Satou, and Kouda playing hide and seek, and Tokoyami and Aoyama sat on the couch watching Mina and Sero play. I had nothing to do, I tried to join in with Jiro and the girls, but they were already in the middle of a game, and nothing else seemed interesting. I decided to get food and scroll through memes, I grabbed a bowl of chips and sat down on a bean bag in the corner, giggling from time to time at a funny meme. "What did I say about your language Hitoshi!" I heard Aizawa say from the hallway behind me, I turned my head and saw Present mic and Aizawa sensei walking into the common room with Shinso, "Hey Shinso!" I waved getting up from my seat, "hey Aizawa, hey Present mic," I offered them my chips, but only Present mic took one. "Can I go back to my room if I bring a friend?" Shinso asked Aizawa, "fine," he said, "come on Pikabitch," Shinso said, "Hitoshi, don't test me I will serve you soap for dinner if you don't fix that fucking mouth of yours," Aizawa snapped, "Shouta, he probably learned from you!" Present mic said laughing, "oi shut the fuck up, he probably learned from you," he said back, "no he didn't, you're the one with the shitty language!" I looked back and forth between the two teachers, confused as hell, then I paused, "wait, first of all, what is going on, second, I'm your friend?!?!" I asked excitedly, Shinso rolled his eyes, "bye papa and dad, we're going now," Shinso said then walked away.

"Wait- PAPA? DAD? FRIEND?" I asked him, he sighed, "yeah, they're my parents, tragic I know, and I only said that to get them to let me stay in my room, I'd rather have to endure your company than the whole classes," he said, opening his room door, I clutched my heart, "thanks bro, that's so nice of you," he looked me up and down with a confused look on his face, "it wasn't a compliment," I thought about it for a second, then shrugged and sat down on his desk chair. He laid down on his bed, "so Aizawa and Present mic are married?" I asked still confused about that, "yeah," he said tiredly and took out his phone, he put a dark purple color on his LED lights and faced the wall so he was taking up a small bit of his bed. I smiled widely, then laid down next to him, and put my phone charger in my mouth to keep my phone charged. "What are you doing?" Shinso asked, "looking through memes?" I responded in a confused tone, "that's great, but why are you on my bed?" He asked. "Because it's comfy," I said, he groaned but didn't protest. Eventually, I looked at the time and realized it was 3 am, I felt my eyes drooping, and I was so comfortable, then before I knew it I was asleep.

Shinso's POV:

Around 6 am, I looked over and realized Denki was asleep, he was holding his phone and his charger was in his mouth, I sighed, should I wake him up and tell him to go back to how his room? I decided that he was probably tired and comfortable, and it would be stupid to wake him up at 6 just so he could go back to his room and wake up in a few hours, and since I was bored with what I was doing, I put my phone down and decided to try and get some sleep too.

I woke up groggily, I felt like death, but again, what's new. I rolled over and realized Denki was still in my room, I sighed at his sleeping face in front of mine, I grabbed my phone, it was 3 pm, damn. Luckily it was Sunday, so we didn't have school to worry about, I got up, careful not to wake Denki, then changed into a dark purple sweater, and black sweats, then put in earings to fill a bunch of my ear piercings, I already had my nose ring in, which I pretty much never took out, then I put on a few chains, brushed my teeth, did my eyeliner and walked down to the kitchen. "Did you just wake up?" Todoroki asked me when I entered the room, "yeah," I responded then got a bowl to make myself cereal. "How was your first day?" He asked, I shrugged, "fine I guess," I responded tiredly. "Hey, have you seen Denki Shinso? He isn't in his room and he left with you last night," Mina asked, walking in with Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo. "He's asleep in my bed, why do you need him?" I told them, shifting my tired gaze from my cereal to the crowd of people in the kitchen, who's faces were all shocked, except Todoroki, who deadpanned emotionlessly. "Wait- he went to your dorm last night, you woke up at 3 pm, and he's sleeping in your bed?" Todoroki asked, I nodded and took a bite of my food, "bro- did you guys..." Sero asked cautiously, "god no! Damn get your head out of the fucking gutter, we aren't even friends, he just came over so my parents would let me stay in my room, then he fell asleep," I explained annoyingly. "Hey we were all thinking it not just me," Sero added, I rolled my eyes, Mina started laughing, "who knows with Denki honestly, that guy latches onto anyone and makes stupid decisions, plus let's be honest...he's a little *gay hand gesture*," Kirishima told us, everyone started laughing and I shot my head up.

" Is Denki gay?" Todoroki asked, "oh no, we're all convinced he's in love with Jiro, he's just kinda sus, a little skeptical in that department, I mean who knows, even Kirishima, the manliest man ended up gay," Mina explained, "Mina that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me, heck that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, besides the time Bakubro said crocs looked fine on me," Kirishima told her. She laughed, Midoriya walked in and joined the conversation, and they all talked for a few minutes, while I tuned them out and ate my cereal. "Hey guys," Denki came in rubbing his eyes, wearing the same thing from last night, a Pikachu hoodie and light grey sweatpants. "Good morning sunshine," Mina said laughing, "morning," he responded, "it's 3 pm dunce face," Bakugo growled. "Oh, well damn, I missed half the day," he got a pop tart from the cupboard and put it in the toaster.

"So...Midoriya, Todoroki, when are you going to tell everyone you're dating," Mina asked, Midoriya went red and looked shocked, "w-we're not dating! Todoroki is just my friend," he said panicked, I snorted, I actually did think they were dating when I first got here, oops. "Enough about them two, I'm waiting for the day Bakugo and Kirishima confess to each other, or when Denki confesses his undying love for Jiro," Sero added, Kirishima and Bakugo went red and Bakugo started yelling for them to shut up and how they're idiots and they both denied it. Denki just chuckled and took a bite of his pop tart. It didn't seem to me like he had a problem with them talking about Jiro like that, not in the way that Kirishima and Bakugo did, or Todoroki and Midoriya, two pairs who obviously liked one another, interesting.

A/N: This chapter was decent I guess, I have to pee really bad, but it's 2:53 am and I'm a little s c a r e d.

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