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A/N: Hey, I've been struggling with writing lately, I just started school at the beginning of last week, and it's been difficult for me to be as consistent with my writing as I have been.

Shinso's POV: 

"Shit shit shit" is the only thing I could think. Why did that even happen? I didn' him. I sighed, knowing that wasn't true at all. No matter how hard I had tried to fight it, I did like him. It's his fault, he's the one who didn't leave me alone, who always looked at me with that dumb happy energetic smile. Now I was hard, and Kirishima was looking right at me knowing exactly what just happened to me. "Uh, you want" He asked, I glared at him, "hey I get it, the first time Bakugo changed in front of me...I had to...exit the room for a minute." He said laughing, I nodded, "you aren't surprised I like him??" Kirishima asked with a shocked tone, I chuckled, "it's really obvious, like really obvious." He laughed nervously, then we kept walking, and talked about it, even though it was the last thing I wanted to think about right now. 

"You should tell him," Kirishima said suddenly, "hell no, not after what just happened I know for a fact he noticed," I said talking about my dick. Kirishima burst out laughing, "sorry, I really am, that's just hilarious," he said in between laughs. I rolled my eyes, "it's not. And I'm not going to tell him, the day he finds out is the day you tell Bakugo that you like him," I said, knowing he never would. "Deal," he said, then stuck his hand out, "seriously?" I asked, he nodded, so I sighed and shook his hand. What the hell was I getting myself into? I slumped next to Kirishima all the way until we got to Sero's dorm, when we walked in, he was braiding a clump of Mina's short hair, and failing miserably. "Hey, guys!" Mina said looking up at us. "Hey, Kami's coming in a sec, he's right behind us," Kirishima told them and sat down next to Sero on his bed. I sighed and sat on his chair. 

I think that besides Kaminari, the weirdest part of my experience with this class is how much I hated everyone, but actually found myself caring about them and thinking of them as friends. Everyone here is so close, and they're like a huge family, it was kind of weird how well I fit in, even though I told myself right from the beginning that I wouldn't make friends here. I mean I didn't have close bonds with any of the kids from my old class, of course, I knew all of them, and spending all that time for three years with that group, you begin to form a bond with them, but this was instant, and already so much closer than my old class. It felt weird, and for a few days I hated it, but then I gave up on fighting it and just let them follow me around, just like Denki does. "Hey, guys!" Kaminari came in and awkwardly sat on the floor in front of me, I knew by how he acted that he probably despised me now, he'll probably never want to talk to me again because of this. I mean hell, he isn't even out of the fucking closet. As soon as I remembered that I drew the line, even if there was a chance he liked me back, it would be frustrating dating someone who wasn't out of the closet, and one of us would be bound to get hurt. 

We hung out for hours, and Mina wouldn't let Sero and Kirishima go for their crushes, if you asked me, they should just man up and be upfront about it. It's so stupid, it's not like any of us would judge. But I kept quiet because no one asked for my opinion, and who am I to talk when I can't even look at this dumb blonde without blushing. My dad told me specifically, "stay away from dumb blondes and my problem children," and here I am, crushing on a dumb blonde, and friends with Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya. It was kind of humorous actually, I loved my dads, but somehow becoming close with them even though they specifically said not to, was hilarious to me. 

I sighed as I walked back to my dorm, my mind was spacing out while thinking about all of this. Honestly, I tried to convince myself and those around me that I didn't care about it, I even told Denki that it was nothing to worry about while we were hanging out, but now all I wanted was him, and it made my head hurt. I decided I would lay down and try to sleep, even though it was only like midnight, and I wasn't tired at all. I put on my purple lights, a sad playlist, and laid down in my bed, without bothering to take my makeup and jewlery off. Somehow as soon as I got into bed, by eyes dropped shut and I didn't have the energy to get ready for bed, so I fell asleep right then and there. 

A/N: This chapter was actually low key a piece of shit, and I'm so unmotivated right now, so I'm trying:/

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